

日期:2024-07-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:213014Byte 来源:二一课件通
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湖南省永州市祁阳市2021-2022学年七年级上学期期末学情检测英语试题 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读单选 Beautiful furniture(家具) Beautiful desks, chairs, beds, sofas, etc. in the shop Address: 216 Renmin Road Tel: 0746-3232936 1.You can NOT buy _____ in the shop.A.erasers B.desks C.beds 2.Where is the furniture shop A.216 Renmin Road. B.216 Taozhu Road. C.216 Mingsheng Road. Name Kate David Eric Sally Gina Favoritesport 3.What is David’s favorite sport A.Basketball. B.Soccer. C.Baseball. 4.Who likes running A.Eric. B.Sally. C.Gina. 5._____ of the five students like ball games. A.Two B.Three C.Four Happy Year of the Tiger(虎年快乐)! Anna: Hi, Li Hua! Happy Chinese New Year! Li Hua: Hi, Anna! Happy Year of the Tiger! Anna: Sorry. What do you mean Li Hua: Well, we Chinese named the years after twelve animals(动物). This year is the Year of the Tiger! It is the third of the twelve animals. Anna: Who decided the order(顺序)of Chinese zodiac(生肖) Li Hua: In one story, the Jade Emperor(玉皇)held a swimming race to choose animals for the names of the years. There were twelve animals faster than the others. The rat was the first of these twelve animals. Anna: So interesting! I want to know what my Chinese zodiac is. Li Hua: When were you born(出生) Anna: I was born in 2010. Li Hua: Wow! Your birth-year animal is the tiger. It is the third of the twelve animals. You’re so lucky! Anna: Really This year is my animal year(本命年). I am so happy. 6.This year is the Year of the _____. A.Pig B.Tiger C.Rat 7.Who tells us a story about Chinese zodiac A.Li Hua. B.Anna. C.Liu Hua. 8.What do the underlined words “choose” mean in Chinese A.暗号 B.承担 C.选择 9.In the story, the Jade Emperor held a _____ race. A.swimming B.singing C.drawing 10.How old is Anna when they talk A.She is eleven years old. B.She is twelve years old. C.She is thirteen years old. Hello, everyone! It’s that time of year again, Huaxing’s big sale! You name it, and we have it at a very good price. Do you like them at low prices We have sweaters in all colors for 50 yuan each! Do you need a bag for sports or school We have great bags for just 6 yuan! For young boys and girls, we have T-shirts in red, green, yellow, orange, blue and black for only 15 yuan each! And you can take the socks in all colors for just 1 yuan! And that’s not all. We have all kinds of delicious food to eat for only 50 yuan each person! Can’t you believe it Come over to Huaxing and see by yourself! This is the best time for you to buy your favorite things at the lowest prices! 11.The passage is _____. A.an ad(广告) B.a story C.about family 12.You want to buy a sweater and a T-shirt. How much will you have to pay A. 51. B. 56. C. 65. 13.You can buy some _____ for 1 yuan in Huaxing’s sale. A.hats B.shoes C.socks 14.You and your father want to eat in Huaxing. How much will you have to pay A. 50. B. 100. C. 150. 15.Which sentenc ... ...

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