

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:53次 大小:142336Byte 来源:二一课件通
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浙江省金华市义乌市八校2023-2024学年八年级下学期4月期中英语试题 一、听力 第一节:听小对话,回答问题。 1.(1分)Who is Tony's hero? A.Yao Ming. B.Deng Yaping. C.Yang Liwei. 2.(1分)Where is Susan going to spend her day off? A.In the cinema. B.In the bookshop. C.In the museum. 3.(1分)Which cartoon does James like best? A.Tom and Jerry. B.Superman. C.Spider﹣man. 4.(1分)What might Tina do next? A.Drink water. B.Go running. C.See a doctor. 5.(1分)How is Mark going to the museum? A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By bike. 第二节:听长对话,回答问题。 6.(4分)(1)What's Paul's hobby? A.Going to the market. B.Collecting old clocks. C.Collecting stones. (2)When will they go to the market again? A.This Friday. B.This Saturday. C.This Sunday. 7.(6分)(1)What happened to Mary that day? A.She helped her team win a volleyball match. B.She got the first prize in the singing competition. C.She was chosen for the English speaking competition. (2)How does she feel about it? A.Happy but worried. B.Excited but tired. C.Surprised but proud. (3)Where are Mary and Mike going? A.The park. B.The shop. C.The theatre. 第三节:听独白,回答问题。 8.(10分)(1)Who did the girl go travelling with last summer vacation? A.Her mum and dad. B.Her uncle and aunt. C.Her brothers and sisters. (2)Where did she go? A.America. B.Canada. C.England. (3)How did she go there? A.By car. B.By plane. C.By train. (4)What did she buy there? A.A toy. B.A book. C.A T﹣shirt. (5)Why does the girl think it was a wonderful trip? A.She improved her English. B.She bought many useful things. C.She met her English teacher in London. 二、完形填空 9.(15分) My mother only had one eye.And because of this,I never wished her to show up in my school,being afraid that my classmates would (1)    I had an ugly mother. One day during elementary school(小学),I was terribly ill.My mother came. "Your mum only has one eye?" asked some of my classmates.I was so (2)    . I wished my mother would just (3)    from this world."If you make me teased(被嘲笑),why don't you just die?"I shouted at her,taking no notice of the sad look on her face.My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying (4)   . At that time,I felt (5)    to say what I always wanted to say and I did't think I had hurt her feelings very much.That night I saw my mum (6)    in her room so quietly as if she was afraid that she might (7)    me.Even so,I hated her tears from one eye.I (8)    to study hard and leave my mother. Years later my dream came true.I was quite successful and lived (9)    .I never thought of going back to see my "ugly" mother (10)    one day I got a letter which said "My son…I'm sorry I only have one eye.When you were little,you got into a(n) (11)    and lost your eye.As a mum,I couldn't (12)    watching you live with only one eye.(13)    I gave you mine.I was never (14)   with you and I never regretted doing ... ...

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