
Unit5 Feeling excited Topic 1 I’m so happy SectionD教学课件(含音频)

日期:2024-07-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:3938617Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Grammar You look excited. It tastes delicious. He felt disappointed because he was not able to buy a ticket. He seems a little unhappy. It is so funny and interesting / boring / exciting. We feel excited to hear it. It sounds wonderful. The father was lonely and often became angry. Linking Verb + Adjective 连系动词 连系动词本身大多都有一定的意义,但意义不完整,须与它后面的表语一起构成系表结构来充当复合谓语。 连系动词的分类: 表示“感官”的连系动词:look, sound, feel, smell, taste等。 表示“变化”的连系动词:get, turn, go, become等。 表示“保持某种状态”的词:keep, stay, seem等。 Functions What a_____! He seems a little _____. The parents felt happy _____ the movie together. I don’t like it _____. _____ does the music sound pity unhappy to see at all How Complete the sentences. 1. James给他女儿讲了海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)的故事使她振作起来。(cheer up) 2. 她的歌曲听起来优美活泼。(lively) 3. 她对那些吵吵闹闹的孩子们非常生气,几乎都快发疯了。(almost) James told her daughter the story about Helen Keller to cheer her up. Her songs sound beautiful and lively. She was very angry with the noisy children and almost went mad. Complete the sentences. 4. 她为那位孤独的老人感到难过。她想她应该常去照顾他。(lonely, care for) 5. 因为他滑稽的小品,我又变得快乐起来。(because of) 6. 春天到了,天气转暧,树叶变绿了。(get, turn) She felt sorry for the lonely old man. She thought she should go to care for him often. I become happy again because of his funny short play. Spring comes. The weather gets warm and the leaves turn green. Ask and answer in pairs How will you feel when… you see Zhao Benshan’s funny play you watch an exciting basketball game you listen to a piece of soft music you read a panic novel(恐怖小说) one of your family members falls ill you do badly in the math exam(考试) someone plays bad tricks on you … - What kind of music is it - It’s the music of Beijing Opera. Enjoy and guess Facial paintings of Beijing Opera face的形容词形式,“面部的” Four main roles in Beijing Opera 角色 Dan Jing Chou Sheng 手势,姿势 gesture Read the passage and mark T (true) or F (False). Beijing Opera came into being in 1790. ( ) Wusheng and Huadan are roles in Beijing Opera. ( ) Its stories are from Xipi and Erhuang. ( ) People make peace and they are usually happy at the end of each opera. ( ) Few people in China like Beijing Opera. ( ) 1 F T F T F Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Beijing Opera is very popular _____ a history of more than 200 years. It’s the _____ opera of China. It came into being after 1790. Its _____ and _____ came from Xipi and Erhuang in Anhui and Hubei. Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou are the four _____ _____ in Beijing Opera. It is _____ _____ famous stories. It is also famous for its stories, beautiful _____ _____, wonderful gestures and _____. Beijing Opera stands for Chinese _____. Now more and more people _____ _____ _____ it with national music main roles full o ... ...

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