
Unit6 I danced on Children's Day last year.Section A 课件+素材(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:25490371Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 0 Unit6 I danced on Children’s Day last year. 0 1. 能正确朗读单词和词组“piano”,“drum”,“violin”,“ribbon dance”,“fan dance”,“flower-drum dance”。 2. 能在创设的情景中灵活运用句型“I played ...”表达自己曾做过的事。 Let's sing and dance Left-right rabbit dance Children’s Day What did you do on Children’s Day last year play the piano piano What did you do on last year I played the piano. violin play the violin What did you do last year I played the violin. drum the flower-drum dance I danced the flower-drum dance last year. ribbon dance I danced the ribbon dance last year. fan dance I danced the fan dance last year. Who played the Chinese drum last year Who will sing songs this year Listen and answer Zhou Lin. Wang Li. the Three Little Pigs Wang Li: I danced on Children’s Day last year. Amy: Yes, we danced the ribbon dance. We also danced the fan dance. Wang Li: It was fun! Andy: I played the piano. Zhou Lin: And I played the big Chinese drum. Li Xiao: I played the violin. 0 Listen and imitate Andy: We all acted in a play about the Three Little Pigs. Wang Li: I sang a song, too. Amy: You sang a lovely song. Please sing it again this year. Wang Li: OK. I will. 0 Listen and imitate Zhou Lin: That was funny! Haha! Role play 六人一组,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 小组合作,声音洪亮,能够模仿录音、有感情地朗读课文。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,脱离课本,口语表达较流利准确,感情与肢体语言较丰富。 小组合作默契,声音洪亮,结合已有知识或生活实际,对内容有创新,口语表达准确流利,感情与肢体语言丰富。 B A C 0 0 Can you read I say you do Game 1 Make new sentences What did you do on Children’s Day last year 0 I played the piano last year. 0 1. Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences. 听录音,朗读单词和句子。 2. Copy the words and phrases 3 times. 抄写所学单词和词组3遍。 3. Make 2 sentences with “What did you do on Children’s Day last year I …” on the notebook. 用“What did you do on Children’s Day last year I …” 造句,并写在作业本上。

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