
外研版八年级英语下册Module3 Journey to space Unit2 课件(共39张PPT)+音频

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:89次 大小:9875399Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 1.-你已经完成你的作业了吗 -还没开始呢,因为我不知道怎么去做。 -Have you finished your homework yet -I haven't started yet because I don't know how to do it. 2.我刚发现Rhea不识字。 I've just discovered that Rhea can't read. 3.-你在忙什么呢? -我在上网搜索一些关于太空旅行的最新消息。 -What are you up to -I am going online to search for the latest news on/about space travel. 4.宇航员还未去过火星因为它太遥远了。 Astronauts haven't been to Mars because it is very far away. 肯定句(have XX done): just “刚刚”, already “已经” 否定句和疑问句(句末): yet “还、尚” go online have just done unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet. find-found-found on the planet Space/Universe is mysterious(神秘的)… We human beings all live on the _____. It goes around _____ with _____ other _____. earth planets the sun seven /'pl n t/ The sun and its eight planets are called _____. star 恒星 planet 行星 the solar system Our solar system is part of _____or the Milky way. (银河系) In the Galaxy, There are _____(数以十亿记的 )stars. the Galaxy /'ɡ l ksi/ billions of Scientists have discovered many other _____ (星系) in the universe. galaxies For centuries, We have dreamt of travelling outside the earth. We have made great efforts for our dream. Yuri Gagarin Soviet Union 12, April, 1961 Neil Armstrong America 21, July, 1969 …… Yang Liwei 15, October, 2003 Shenzhou-5 manned spaceship “Space Hero of China” We Chinese are working hard to send our spaceships and people to space. Shenzhou-9 is a manned spaceship. Look at the picture and talk about what you know about Chinese spaceships. Shenzhou-9 is a manned spaceship. Fei Junloong, Nie Haisheng 12, October, 2005 Shenzhou-6 Zhai Zhigang… 25, September, 2008 Shenzhou-7 Shenzhou-8 No astronauts 1, November, 2011 Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang, Liu Yang Shenzhou-9 16, June, 2012 …… Match the title with paragraphs. para.1 para.2 para.3 para.4 para.5 A. The solar system and the Galaxy B. Scientists's questions C. We have found life on any other planets D. There are many other galaxies. in the universe. E. Scietists have even sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. 1. Anyone out there 2. Life on the earth 3. The sun and other stars 4. The stars at night √ Skimming Read the passage and choose the best title for it. out there 在远方 4. Why don't scientists think they will find life on other planets Because none of them has an environment like that of the earth. Scan for dtails 1.How long has life been on the earth A. Hundreds of years B. Millions of years C. Hundreds of millions of years D.Thousands of years 2.How many planets does the sun have A. seven B.eight D. nine D.ten 3.The sun and its planets are called_____. A. The Galaxy B.the solar system C.Milky way D .the universe √ √ √ 数亿年 Scanning Read para. 3-5 and check (√) the true sentences. 1. The earth is a star. 2. The sun is a star. 3. There is more than one galaxy in the universe. ... ...

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