课件网) (译林版小学英语2B Unit3) (阅读拓展) Do you like your school Do you like your teachers Do you like your school Do you like your teachers Cindy Tommy Cindy Tommy 8 draw pictures 数 学 This is Tommy and Cindy’s timetable today . They have a _____ lesson. 英 语 This is Tommy and Cindy’s timetable today . They have an _____ lesson. 美 术 This is Tommy and Cindy’s timetable today . They have an _____ lesson. They have ____ lessons in the morning. How many lessons do they have in the morning lessons 课 D A B C What are the three lessons They are _____ , _____ and _____ . Maths English Art 学科,科目 sun desk subjects What are the three lessons They are _____ , _____ and _____ . Maths English Music PE Chinese 你还能用英语说出其他学科吗? 仔细观察这些学科类单词,你发现了什么? Art M E A C M P PE是physical education 的缩写形式,都要大写。 同学们,学科或课程的单词首字母要大写哦! I like Maths. It’s fun. I I like English. It’s easy and fun. I like Chinese. It’s easy. B: I like____ . It’s ____ . I like ____ , ____ and ____ . They’re ____. I like ____ and ____ . They’re ____ . A: What subjects do you like Our timetable 2/28 线上直播课课表 subject 指学科、科目, lesson 指具体的一节课。 lesson可接在具体科目名称后, 如:a Maths lesson, 而subject不与科目名称一起出现。 Music, music, do-re-me PE, PE, run and hop Maths, Maths, A-B-C Fun, fun ,school is fun. Chinese, Chinese, one-two-three English, English, a-o-e We all like our teachers. Teachers 相 册 Teachers a Maths teacher Teachers a Music teacher Teachers a PE teacher Teachers a Chinese teacher Teachers an English teacher Teachers an Art teacher Teachers wonderful good nice Who 科学课 Science hi Mr Smith is our Science teacher. Mr Smith