
人教版(新课程标准) 必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 素能提升演练(五 )(有答案)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:16次 大小:29432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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素能提升演练(五) 必修1 Unit 5 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. It was _____(慷慨的,大方的)of her to contribute such a large sum of money. 2. He intends to take _____(法律的)action. 3. There is a newspaper article _____(抨击)the Prime Minister. 4. The little boy _____ (乞求)his father to stay at home. 5. People’s _____ (观点) differ on this matter. 6. We should take an _____(积极的)part in after-class activities. 7. He examined the _____(质量)of the furniture carefully. 8. The _____(暴力)and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers. 9. The world is a _____ (舞台), and everyone has their part. 10. It is not the way to _____(教育)a child by making him do things against his will. Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. Mother Teresa, _____ the poor, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and died in 1997. (devote) 特雷莎妈妈一生都致力于帮助穷人,于1979年获得诺贝尔和平奖,死于1997年。 2. The economic crisis in 1939 was very severe, and many people _____ _____ died of hunger. (work) 一九三九年的经济危机非常严重,许多人失去工作饥饿而死。 3. In the United Nations General Assembly, many countries are for the proposal, while the US _____. (vote) 在联合国大会上,许多国家都支持这个建议,而美国却投票反对。 4. It was pouring outside. There wasn’t a single person to _____. (turn) 外面雨下得很大,她无人可以求助。 5. The ancient castle, _____ by the terrorists, fell down in no time. (attack) 这座古城堡受到了恐怖分子的攻击,很快就倒塌了。 6. Only when he showed his pass to the guard _____ enter the office building. (allow) 只有当他把通行证让卫兵看了之后才被允许进入办公大楼。 7. _____ called Jane Eyre, I was attracted by Charlotte Bronte’s works. (time) 当我第一次读到小说《简·爱》时,就被Charlotte Bronte的作品吸引住了。 8. After the new political party _____, great changes have taken place in this country. (power) 这个新政党上台执政以后,这个国家发生了巨大的变化。 9. How could you forget the days _____ (spend) 你怎么会忘记我们一起在乡村的日子呢? 10. I think our education should give all children _____ to develop their special gift.(equal) 我认为我们的教育应该给所有的孩子平等的机会来发展他们的特殊天赋。 Ⅲ. 阅读理解 More women are graduating from college than men.The situation is causing some people to worry about the future.The trend could cause social problems,according to a report on July 8 by the Washington Post. Women received about 57 percent of the bachelor’s degree awarded this year from colleges and universities in the United States.The figure of 57 percent has been the highest since World WarⅡended in 1945.During the war,many men were in the military. The gap between men and women is greater among African-Americans and Hispanics.Two African-American women receive a degree for every African-American man.Only 40 percent of Hispanics who get a degree are males. The USA Department of Education estimates 698, 000 females received bachelor’s degree this year.The number of male graduates was 529,000.The trend toward more female graduates began in t ... ...

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