
八年级英语下册Unit 5 Buying and Selling单元同步话题写作习题课件新版冀教版(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:937915Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 【写作目标】 本单元的中心话题是谈论买卖。与此相关的书 面表达常常有以下几种命题角度: 1.描述做生意或购物的体验和感受; 2.介绍或推销一件商品,描述它的外观、作用、价 格和质量。 【语言积累】 一、短语积累 1.挣钱make money 2.吸引|某人的目光catch one'seye 3.筹钱 raise money 4.卖完sell out of 5.出售for sale 6.出色;杰出stand out 7.烘烤义卖a bake sale 二、句子积累 1. 这些饼干多少钱? 它们很便宜。你可以花一美元买四块。 How much are the cookies -They're cheap.You can buy four for only one dollar. 2.对于这么好的产品来说,这是一个很低的价格。 That's a very low price efor such a great product. 3.(开)这家店对学生们来说是学习诚实的价值的一 个好方式。 This shop would be a good way for students to learn the value of honesty. 4.你的产品能怎样提升人们的生活? How can your producti improve people's lives 7 5.记住,你需要让你的产品脱颖而出。 Remember,you need to make your product stand out 6.我在一个小时之内卖完了我的饼干。 I sold out of my cookies in less than an hour. 7.用样品和优惠的条件来推广你的产品。 Push your product using samples and good deals. 【经典范文】 上周你们班举行了一个售卖活动,目的是为了筹 集资金帮助贫困孩子。请以“A Wonderful Sale”为 题,根据以下提示写一篇习作。 提示:1.大家分工合作,有的人烘焙饼干,有的制 作海报;有的售卖饼干; 2.共募集200元; 3.大家很累但是很开心。 一、范文展示 A Wonderful Sale Our class had a bake sale to help the poor children last week.My friends and I decided to have a cookie sale in our school.Jane and Mary baked the cookies.Brian and Mike made a poster.Jenny and I sold the cookies.Our cookies were delicious and cheap,so many students came to buy our cookies. We sold out of the cookies in less than two hours, and we made 200 yuan. We were all tired but happy,because we did something good for others and ourselves.

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