
人教版(新课程标准)必修一 Unit1 Friendship动词的时态和语态课件(22张ppt)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:1734624Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高中英语动词时态与语态 Period 1 Tense 1. Master the structure of each tense 2. The usage of each tense 时态是干什么的?在句子中长啥样?在句子中做什么成分? 时态≈谓语 简单句 用动词短语clean one's room造句。 1小明每天打扫自己的房间。 2小明昨天打扫了他的房间。 3小明正在打扫他的房间。 4小明昨天这个时候在打扫他房间。 5小明明天要打扫他的房间 6小明说他一会要打扫他的房间。 7小明已经打扫完了他的房间。 8小明在今天下午之前就打扫好了他的房间。 1小明每天打扫自己的房间。 Xiaoming cleans his room every day. Point 1 一般现在时的构成: be, do/ does The Simple Present tense 一般现在时的用法 always 总是 often 经常 usually 通常 sometimes 有时 never 从不 frequently经常 on Sundays在星期天 every day/week/month/year每天/每周/每月/每年 once/twice a week 每周一/两次 monthly每月 every+基数词+可数名词复数 每隔…… yearly 每年 Point 2 He studies hard every day. I get along well with my classmates. sometimes I miss my families. The Simple Present tense The Simple Present tense 【特别注意】表示客观事实、普遍真理、格言等的句子充当宾语从句时,不受主句时态的限制,即使主句用过去的时态,从句仍然用一般现在时。 ·The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。 The Simple Present tense The Simple Present tense His name ___ Jack. He ___ twenty years old. He ___ Chinese.He____ (live) in Beijing. He ____(love) English. He ____(read) English every day. His favorite sports ___(be) tennis and swimming. He ____(play) tennis all the time. His father ___(be) a doctor and his mother___ a teacher. He ___(be) interested in English. His parents ____(want) him to be an English teacher when he _____(graduate). is is is lives loves reads are plays is is want graduates is Point 1 一般过去时的构成: did 不规则动词的过去式及过去分词变化详见附录哦! 2小明昨天打扫了他的房间。 Xiaoming cleaned his classroom yesterday. The past tense Point 2 一般过去时的用法 The past tense I stayed up last night, for I had a lot of homework to do. Where did you go just now How did you spend your childhood I _____ (spend) my childhood happily with my old friends. We always _____(play) football and basketball together and we _____ (not) have so much homework to do as now. We _____ (be) happy at that time. spent played didn't were Point 1 小明明天要打扫他的房间 Xiao ming will clean his room tomorrow. The future tense The future tense Point 2 The future tense Point 3 Point 4 group competition 1, I usually ____ up at 6:00, but yesterday I _____ up at 7:00 and tomorrow I _____ up at 6:30. (get) 2, How often _____ Andy _____ (surf) the internet 3, My brother often _____ (go) for walks last summer. 4, _____ the story _____ (happen) in London in 1949 5, _____ your mother _____ the piano every Sunday 6, They _____ (not) call you the day after tomorrow. Exercises1 get got will get does surf goes Did happen Does play will not Jenny _____ (be) a foreign girl. She _____ (come) from the United States. She often _____ (draw) pictures in the living ro ... ...

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