
人教版八年级下册Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 1 (1a-2d) 导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:28次 大小:91224Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Could you please clean your room Section A 1 (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 理解并掌握下列词汇及短语: New words: rubbish, fold, sweep floor, mess Key phrases: do the dishes, take out the rubbish, fold your clothes, sweep the floor, make your bed, clean the living room, stay out late, finish doing sth., work on 理解并掌握下列重点句型: Could you please... Yes, sure. Could I please use your computer Sorry, you can’t.... Could I please watch TV Yes, you can. But you have to clean your room first. Grammar: 情态动词could表示请求与许可的用法 理解并掌握与话题相关的动宾短语。 能听懂有关做家务和日常活动的对话。 运用Could you please... 进行对话练习。 学会有礼貌地提出请求和请求准许;主动地去帮助家人做杂务。 【重点和难点】 1. New words and key phrases. 2. 能用本课的重点词汇和句型对家务做出委婉的请求与许可。 3. 能抓住录音中的关键词, 强化听力训练。 【课前预习】 Ⅰ. 要点词汇 1. 垃圾; 废弃物_____ 2. 扫; 打扫  _____ 3. 地板  _____ 4. fold    _____ 5. mess _____ Ⅱ. 短语互译 6. 倒垃圾 _____ 7. 清洗餐具 _____ 8. 扫地 _____ 9. 在外面待到很晚 _____ 10. 搭便车 _____ 11. 从事; 操作 _____ 12. 整理床铺 _____ 13. 叠衣服 _____ 14. go to the movies _____ 15. finish doing sth. _____ 16. go out for dinner _____ 17. clean the living room _____ 【合作探究】 StepⅠ. Lead in What chores do you do at home I often clean my room. I wash and fold my clothes. I clean the window. I make my bed and sweep the floor. I clean the living room. We should try to be helpful and do some chores at home. StepⅡ. Pre-listening Do you do these chores at home You can use these words: often, very often, less often, hardly ever, never. I often do the dishes. I hardly ever fold the clothes. ... do the dishes  take out the rubbish  fold your clothes sweep the floor  make your bed clean the living room 教材解读 探究一 1. Peter, could you please take out the rubbish Could/Would you please do... 是用来提出请求的句型,表示向别人征求意见,询问消息等,意为“请你干……好吗 ” Could/Would 只表示一种委婉的语气, 不表过去式,please后是省略to的不等式, 其否定句在please后直接加not。 Could you please answer the question 请你回答这个问题好吗 Could you please not read aloud 请你不要大声读好吗 【拓展】 该句型的常用答语: Yes/Certainly.是的/当然可以; Of course.当然可以; Yes, with pleasure.可以, 很愿意; That’s OK/All right.好吧; I’m sorry, but...对不起,但是……。 探究二 2. do the dishes dish n. 盘;碟。其复数形式为 dishes。作名词时也可以指“一道菜”。 do the dishes/wash the dishes清洗餐具。 They are washing the dishes. 他们正在洗碗。 You must do the dishes before you go out. 出去之前你必须把盘子洗好。 探究三 3. sweep the floor sweep意为“打扫”; floor意为“地板”。 Do you often sweep the floor 你经常扫地吗 【拓展】 floor n. 楼层。 They live on the first floor. 他们住在一楼。 【注意】  (1)美国和中国的1到3楼层表达分别是:the first floor, the second floor, the third floor; 而英国的表达是: the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor, 以此类推。 (2)一幢楼有几层,用基数词;住在第几层用序数词。 There are ... ...

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