
【核心素养目标】Unit 5 Save the endangered animals Period 4 Speaking&Writing 教案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:26次 大小:1355049Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳·广州版英语八年级下册第4课时教学设计 课题 Save the endangered animals 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 八 教材分析(语篇研读) The talk time plate consists of two parts. Part A students learn to use modal verbs to talk about the common expressions of obligations and the use of musts and musts. Practice the dialogue in pairs to consolidate the knowledge points. B Ask students to choose an endangered animal from A on page 70 for discussion. In the speaking part, students are required to discuss the methods of protecting endangered animals in groups and consolidate the knowledge points of modal verbs talking about obligations. In the writing section, students are required to select an endangered animal, use the "spidergram", copy the model text, and write a factual file about endangered animals. 核心素养教学目标 1.Knowledge objectives:Understand and master the following words: Asians, weighing, anger, face; phrase: in danger.2.Skill objectives:①Master the common expressions of using modal verbs to talk about obligations or responsibilities.②Follow the example of "cobweb map" to clarify the writing ideas and conceive the writing framework.③Learn the expository features and writing methods of the example.④Refer to the model text and use the "spider web" to write an expository article about endangered animals.3.Emotional objectives:Learn more about endangered animals and establish awareness of protecting the environment and endangered animals.4.Thinking capacity:Objectively analyze and comprehensively summarize the causes of endangered animals and propose innovative methods to help them. 重点 Use the "cobweb map", copy the model text, and write a novel about an endangered animal. 难点 Follow the example of "cobweb map" to clarify the writing ideas and conceive the writing framework. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 一、Revision The teacher gives the review figure, let the students translate sentences, and review It is+adj.+ for/of+n./ Pron.+to+v. and adj.+enough+to+v.二、Lead inThe teacher show students some pictures of animals and introduced the topic of the new lesson.(一)Have you ever been to the zoo with your friends or family What animal do you like best in the zoo (二)The teacher explained to the students that protecting animals is very important for us. Animals were killed and endangered.Ask questions and let students discuss.(1) What do you think of this matter (2) What should we do Students should complete the exercise within the specified time.Students discuss problems in groups. Discuss students' views on this matter and what should be done to protect animals from being killed. Review and consolidate the knowledge learned in the previous lesson through practice.Stimulate students' interest in this topic and let them try to describe the protection of endangered animals. 讲授新课 三、New wordsThe teacher shows the students the pictures of the new words, teaches the pronunciation and me ... ...

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