

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:50435Byte 来源:二一课件通
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08:【好题精选】短文填空-2023年九年级下英语专题周周练 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 01 On February 7, people across the country were ___1___ to hear about the death of Dr Li Wenliang. Like many other doctors, he helped to fight the novel coronavirs. But what made him different is that he was one of the eight “whistleblowers” who tried to___2___ people about how dangerous the virus could be when it first appeared in Wuhan. ___3___, he was accused(指控) by local police of “___4___fake(虚假的)information on the Internet.” It was ___5___ later that he was right. Unfortunately, in the fight against COVID-19, Li Wenliang was infected ___6___. After emergence treatment, he still ___7___ away. During his stay in the hospital, Li tried to be positive. “Please don’t worry about me. I’ll get well soon and go back to work,” he wrote on Sina Weibo. Following his death, Li has been seen as a national hero, as he took great ___8___ to be the first one to sound the alarm. 02 Charles is a 15-year-old boy. He is now a ninth grader in a middle school. He has ___9___ a lot during this year. He was a naughty student and was in a rebellious phase(叛逆期) one year ago. And he wasn't ___10___ in studying at all. He ___11___ all day and night playing computer games online and his parents had to look everywhere for him. How much his parents have suffered during these days! However, they never ___12___up on their son even at their hardest time. They always held the belief that one day their son will be able to figure out what he wants and what he should do as a student. One night, they had a long ___13___with their son. They told him how much they love him and that they would do ___14___ they could to help him out. Charles was deeply touched by his parents. From then on, Charles started to change. For example, he used to hate school and the teachers. Now he tries to find something interesting in each class and respect the teachers' hard work. Besides, he used to talk in class. But now he listens to the teacher ___15___and he even answers questions. In addition, he didn't use to do homework at home. Now he finishes all his homework every day and previews his lessons as well. What's more surprising, he even got an A in the last monthly exam. So no matter how terrible your situation ___16___ to be, please always remember that your parents will back you up and so will your teachers. As long as there is a will to change, there is always a way. All ninth graders, you should all try the best you can to achieve your dreams. It's never too late to start learning or changing. 03 Dear students, How is your school life recently Do you feel stressed out Have you got better grades Are you tried of daily exercise Grade 9 is full of challenges and chances. Maybe most of you have worries and problems. Here is some ____17____ for you. Being confident (自信的) and patient To deal with your worries, the first thing you need to do is to believe in ____18____. Nothing is ... ...

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