ID: 14768604

外研版必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Nature World reading (共21张PPT)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:86次 大小:18470400B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Monster of Lake Tianchi Reading knowledge skill moral To make use of the newly learnt words and phrases , to describe the monster clearly and correctly and decide whether it exists or not To improve the ability of summarizing main points and the ability of creative thinking To feel the curiosity of exploring the mysteries of nature In this lesson, you will be able to presentation 10 feet long Is the monster of Lake Tianchi similar to the Loch Ness monster The Loch Ness Monster 1 2 3 Meng: Black like a seal Xue:Its head looked like a horse Skimming1: Some description about the three sightings in the first three paragraphs moving, swimming, greenish-black, a round head with 10cm horns moving quickly, dived, a round black creature believable sceptical/ be unlikely to Skimming2: Believe it or not witness scientist Tip Focus on similar words. Decoding: What do the figures refer to 2189 10 370 height depth the highest volcanic lake area 火山湖 believable sceptical/ be unlikely to Possible or impossible witness scientist It is the curiosity that drives us to explore, to discover a secret and to lead us to the unknown world. What's your opinion about the monster of Lake Tianchi Is it possible or impossible Perhaps.. It might be... It may be... It is unlikely to be... A tourist guide B. A newspaper C. A dictionary D. A scientific journal Scanning: Where does the passage come from Para1. …is back in the news after several recent sightings. The latest sighting of the Tianchi monster Another recent sighting of the monster A third sighting of the monster More information about the Tianchi monster Information about Lake Tianchi 1 2 3 4 5 General idea How to report a monster Group work The monster Talk Show The Monster of Lake Tianchi Hangang Monster The Loch Ness Monster Talk Show(3') One host (beginning & ending& asking questions) One witness (when&where& appearance ) One scientist (explanation) back in the news, claim to have seen, on the surface of , dive into water, be unlikely to, cover an area of, black creature, Perhaps... It may/might be Another witness Unidentified Flying Object stonehenge 巨石阵 crop circle 麦田怪圈 Curiosity drives man to discover . The mysterious world is waiting for us to explore. Let's try to find the truth. Homework 1. Prepare for another monster for report 2. Write an article for an English newspaper about your monster. Thank you Ni Anni Zhuanghe Senior High

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