课件网) Module 4 Fine Art -introduction and vocabulary new words behind the scene 景象后, at the scene of 在…现场 on the scene 在现场 How do you express likes and dislikes Likes: enjoy / be crazy about / be fond of / develop an interest in / really like delightful lovely lively alive extraordinary Dislikes: get tired of / I can’t stand dance music painting calligraphy sculpture architecture movie literature art painting sculpture architecture … music dance literature calligraphy movie What is Art Art is an expression of the soul. When something is created, it is not art. It only becomes art when it is appreciated by someone other than the artist. Art is nothing without appreciation. The use of painting,drawing,sculpture etc to represent things or express ideas. by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Creation or expression of sth beautiful, esp in a visual form, eg painting, sculpture,etc by Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary What is the definition of art be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事 (much) to one’s delight 使某人感到高兴的是: take delight in (以…)为乐; 喜欢; 爱好 be delighted with 乐在其中 fight (meet) one’s match 找到对手,遇到对手 match sth. against (with) sb 使某事物/某人和他事物/他人竞争或较量 The most famous ten painters in ancient China: 顾恺之 吴道子 张择端 马远 黄公望 王蒙 唐伯虎 石涛 八大山人 郑板桥 The most famous ten painters in modern China: 齐白石 黄宾虹 徐悲鸿 张大千潘天寿 傅抱石 李可染 刘奎龄 吴冠中 黄胄 Can you name some famous painters 十九世纪是欧洲绘画全面繁荣的时期,是西方绘画艺术的高峰时期。这一时期绘画艺术的重要特点之一,是绘画流派的此伏彼起,其影响不仅限于欧洲,而且遍及世界许多国家。 文艺复兴绘画、巴洛克绘画和十九世纪绘画是二十世纪前世界美术史上并立的三大绘画高峰。 In 16th century Italian Renaissance painting art came to mature, the representative painters are Leonardo Da Vinci(列奥纳多·达·芬奇 )、 Michelangelo(米开朗基罗)and Rafael(拉斐尔) 。 Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Nationality: Italian Field: Many and diverse fields of arts and sciences Movement: High Renaissance Works: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc. Renaissance using light and shadow instead of outlines to finish the painting. without lines and borders, but in he manner of smoke. the subject’s mysterious smile for the first time, the real person appears in the painting Mona Lisa Renaissance The Last Supper Renaissance the Nightwatch (夜巡) Rembrandt describe the bodies vividly ; bright colors; focus on light and shadow changes ;humanity the scene is splendid and Gorgeous. Baroque 与前两个绘画高峰相比,十九世纪绘画艺术体现了传统形态向现代形态的过渡,流派纷呈,风格迥异,主要有浪漫主义、现实主义、印象主义、后印象主义等阶段,成为二十世纪现代主义绘画诸流派的历史源头。 19世纪欧洲绘画流派 The raft of the Medusa (梅杜萨之筏) Delacroix’s (德拉克罗瓦) paintings Romanticism Liberty leading the people (自由领导人民) focus on all kinds of beautiful personalities instead of ... ...