
陕西省高中英语(人教版)选修七 Unit 1 周末自我检测题

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:85次 大小:120937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 陕西省高中英语(人教版)选修七 Unit 1 周末自我检测题 英语考试 注意事项: 1、填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写 2、提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡 第Ⅰ卷 主观题 第Ⅰ卷的注释 阅卷人 一、语法填空 得分 1.语法填空 Change is much easier when you have many supporting partners and unlimited resources. But, since it is often the shock of a death, divorce or some other life tragedy that    (push) us out of our comfort zone to take care of ourselves, it can mean   (force) to start to be independent, which for many of us is the scariest part of all. Probably the most difficult thing about seeking significant change is doing it    you don't have financial or emotional tools available to make the process go    (smooth). But sometimes reaching our full potential means working without    safety net. For those truly    (devote) to their mission, having fewer resources can be a surprising blessing as it forces them to get    (create)and explore new paths. I don't know if it's possible to leave this world   zero regrets. Because of the natural life cycles and the fact that sometimes it's the tragedy that causes our awakenings, we often realize it too late to avoid certain painful    (outcome). Please keep in mind that the choice belongs to each of us. We all have the power to change and give more intentional    (direct) to the remainder of our lives. 第Ⅱ卷 客观题 第Ⅱ卷的注释 阅卷人 二、完形填空 得分 2.完形填空 A marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small bait fish into the tank. The result met your (1) , the shark quickly swam across the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish. The biologist then (2) a strong piece of fiberglass into the tank, creating two (3) parts. She then put the shark on one side of the (4) fiberglass and a new set of bait fish on the other. (5) , the shark quickly attacked. But this time, the shark (6) because it knocked hard against the fiberglass (7) . Determined, the shark kept (8) this behavior every few minutes, but (9) . Meanwhile, the bait fish swam around (10) in the second part. Eventually, the shark (11) hope of hunting. This experiment was carried out several times. Each time, the shark got less (12) and made fewer attempts to attack the fish, until it (13) hitting the fiberglass and simply stopped attacking. The biologist then (14) the fiberglass, but the shark didn't attack. The shark was trained to believe a (15) existed between it and the bait fish, (16) the bait fish could swim wherever they wished, free from harm. Many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, (17) give up and stop trying. Like the shark in the story, we believe that (18) we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. (19) , even when no "real" obstacle exists between where we are and where we want to go, we (20) see obstacles in our heads. (1)A.demands B.expectations C.schedules D.requirements ... ...

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