

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:581897Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年深圳英语中考专题练习—阅读理解3 一、阅读理解题 Class schedule for Monday 8:00 am Information Technology (IT)—Using the Internet Students learn to surf the Internet and use search engines. This lesson also offers students the best websites for online learning. 10:00 am Drama Students learn about a given play and have the chance to act it out in class. 11:00 am Painting with watercolors Students lean how to use watercolors properly. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place outdoors. 11:50 am Lunch break 1:00 pm Science (Biology/Chemistry) Students can choose either of them. In biology this week, the topic is Human Body. Students will learn about how it works. Alternatively, students can study chemistry in the science lab. This week students will learn about H2 and O2. 2:00 pm Sports (football for boys and tennis for girls) A. Skills Students learn about the skills of a certain sport from videos of past games. B. Practice After we pick teams, students will play a match lasting 45 minutes. 2:00 pm 3:00 pm After school Homework IT..… search for some websites at home (about 30 minutes). Drama... preview a part for the next lesson (about 40 minutes). Biology/ Chemistry... write a short report on the lesson (about 20 minutes). (1) What time are the students having a lesson of drawing pictures A.9:30 am. B.11:15 am. C.1:30 pm. D.2:00 pm. (2) What is the underlined word "Alternatively" closest in meaning to " " A.as another choice B.for this reason C.in other words D.as a result (3) What can students learn to do on Monday morning A.Write reports on dramas. B.Play basketball. C.Make a video. D.Surf the Intenet. (4) How long does it take the students to finish their homework A.Half an hour. B.One and a half hours. C.Two hours. D.20 minutes. Taking a driverless bus or subway line is not surprising nowadays. According to the report of China Daily last year, a driverless subway line named Yanfang Line began trial (试运行) runs in Beijing. It had planned to welcome passengers by the end of 2017. The train is the Chinese mainland's first driverless subway car. The 16.6-km line connects Beijing's Yanshan and Fangshan areas. It has 960 seats and a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour. According to Xinhua, the train is completely automatic. Technicians can start, stop and even watch it all by remote control. However, is it completely safe Jiang Xin is the head technician of the project. He told Xinhua that the driverless train actually runs more safely compared with the trains that humans drive. According to Jiang, human error has caused many train accidents. Drivers could suddenly become tired or ill. A driverless train can help avoid these problems. "The train pulls the brake (刹车) if the train runs off the track or hits any obstacle (障碍)," Jiang said. Driverless trains are nothing new. They have been used across the world, from Japan to Europe, since the 1960s. London Underground's Victoria line is the world's first automatic su ... ...

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