
Unit 1 Living well 阅读课件 (19张PPT) 人教版选修7

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:38次 大小:4155158Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit1 Living well Revision 四川新闻网遂宁频道 www.2V2.co http://sn.newssc.org/ Having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying_.So the disabled people can also live as rich and fulla life as healthy people. Leading-in What problems might they have in a cinema There is no adequate access 充足的便利 people in wheelchairs no disabled toilet Skimming: Skim the letter quickly and answer some simple questions. 1.Who is the letter written to It is written to the chief architect for the new Bankstown cinema. 2.Is the letter written in a formal way Yes,it is. Heading (信头) Greeting (称呼) A formal letter always includes Body (正文) Complimentar'y close(结束语) Signature(签名) Scanning: Read the body of this letter and divide it into 3 parts. The ending of the letter Part 1(1 Part 2 2-6) The purpose of the letter Part 3(7 Some suggestions to the architect Detailed Reading Part1: The purpose of this letter is A.To tell us the writer read the newspaper that day. B.To tell Ms Sanders the writer has known she is to be an architect C.To tell Ms Sanders that the writer has known about the needs of the disabled. D.To ask Ms Sanders to consider the needs of disabled customers.

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