
牛津深圳版八年级下 4.7 Unit 4 Writing(课件)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:28次 大小:4151033Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips Writing 牛津深圳版八年级下册 comic strip decide on play against make it think over match with be pleased with get sb. into trouble 同……比赛 对……满意 获得成功 和……相匹配 连环漫画 考虑 使某人陷入麻烦 决定;选定 1 课堂导入 Play a game! (短语积累) 1. 这里是制作海报的基本步骤。 Here are the basic steps for making a poster. 2. 首先,我们应该为海报确定一个好的主题。 第二步,我们要找一些关于主题的图片 At first, we should decide on a good topic for the poster. Second , we should find some pictures about the topic. 句式积累 3. 现在,我们要为海报画个草图。接着,我们可以给它添加一些文字。 Now, we need to make a rough sketch of the poster. Next, we can add some words to it. 4.不要过于匆忙地对重要的事情作决定。 Don’t decide on important matters too quickly. 5.如果你决定做某事,就不要轻易放弃 If you have decided to do something, don’t give up easily 6. 脸可以被涂上明亮的颜色。 The face can be coloured with bright colours. 7. 《猫和老鼠》是我最喜欢的卡通片之一。 Tom and Jerry is one of my favourite cartoons. 8.教室应该每天打扫。 The classroom should be cleaned every day. Mystery Island 2 课堂活动 The following is the first part of a comic strip called “Mystery Island”. In groups, discuss what happens in each picture. A Look at the pictures on page 59 and answer the questions. Did the two people know that there would be a storm No, they didn’t. What were they floating on after the storm They were floating on the bottom of their boat. Where did they finally arrive They finally arrived at Mystery Island. What did they see on Mystery Island They saw a dinosaur on the island. Write the captions and speech bubbles for the comic strip. Use the words for each picture to help you. B weather forecast life jacket Thank goodness! made it! 1. Jim and Betty were in a small boat. They began a trip around the world. 2. Good luck! Goodbye! 3. A month later, 1. Jim and Betty were in a small boat. They began a trip around the world. 2. Good luck! Goodbye! 3. A month later, they were celebrating on the boat. 4. We've been away for a month already, Betty! 6. A storm is coming ... 7. The storm arrived. 8. We're in trouble. 9. We'd better put our life jackets on, Jim. 10. A huge wave is coming! 5. Listen! It's the weather forecast. 15. They arrived at the island safely. 16. We made it! Now we're safe! 17. Quick! Run! What a huge dinosaur! 12. Thank goodness we're still alive. 13. Look! There's an island. 14. Let ’s row towards it. 11. That was terrible. 话题写作词汇思维导图 假设你制作的卡通短片Dog King 获得了 “中学生卡通片制作大赛”的金奖。青少年报的记者对你进行了采访。请你根据下面表格的内容提示写一篇100 词左右的英语短文,谈谈制作 Dog King 的过程。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参赛原因 喜欢画画;有一些电脑技巧 制作过程 1. 利用电脑画几张可爱的小狗图片,图片之间有一点不同; 2. 给图片添加一些颜色; 3. 用电脑程序把图片连接起来做成电影; 4. 根据图片给小狗配音。 感言 …… 你能想起与 ... ...

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