

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:83次 大小:1535039Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件36张PPT。 --短文填空 2014中考英语专题复习 短文填空是中考中一个难度比较大的题型,其特点是 在一篇短文中留出 8 个空(首句不设空),要求考生根据短文的 内容以及上下文的意思,在空白处填入意思、语法都正确的单 词,一空只能填一个词(有些空的答案可能不是唯一的)。短文 的题材很广泛,可以是故事、文化习俗、科普小品、体育等, 考试一般会选取考生比较熟悉的材料。 短文填空所涉及的知识面广,灵活性高,综合性也很强。它不仅考查考生在词汇、语法和习惯用法等方面的基础知识,还考查理解、推导、分析等综合能力。从表面上看是考查考生对单词的辨认能力,而实质上既考查了考生掌握单词的数量及准确性,又考查了他们对句子上下文以及词义的理解和判断能力,由此考查学生的知识记忆与再现能力。 中考近三年试题展示中考短文填空考点分析Step1 Skim(浏览 ) the passage and find the main idea. 一读文章,找大意.(首尾两句最得意) Step2 Read it carefully and determine(确定) the meaning and the right form (形式) of each blank(空格). 二读文章,填单词.(注意词性和形式) Step3 Read the passage again to check the answers. 三读文章, 细检查.(前瞻后顾定逻辑)CONCLUSIONTechniques of Solving the Cloze Test 英语短文填空技巧解析II. How to deal with the Cloze Test?Here, we have a rhyme (口诀).III. Discuss with your group members to find out the regulations.名词:(n.) 动词:(v.) 介词:(prep.) 代词:(pronoun.) 形容词/副词:(adj. adv.) 从句连接词: (conj.)Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 名词: 1. He often helped me and we became good friends. 2. As time goes by, 3. A 15-year-old boy said his parents/ family didn’t smoke. 4. Living in such a good family helped Li say no to cigarettes. 5. You may make more mistakes 6. What do you do when your fans run up to you? ★名词(n.)填词规律:①动词前后作主语,宾语; ②介词后作宾语 ③ 形容词修饰名词 ④物主代词后用名词 ★注意事项:单、复数; 名词所有格动词 1. A boy stood up and stopped the fight. 2. And it seems that people around me have changed 3. He decided to give up smoking. 4. Shops sell cigarettes to them. 5. Be sure to fill the lined space completely.★动词填词规律:①S+V+O 中间谓语一定为动词; ②不定式to后, ③固定动词短语; ④非谓语动词结构 ★注意事项:动词的形式 do/ does/doing/ did/done/ ,语态与时态介词: 1.My classmates didn’t want to talk with/ to me. 2. He started smoking at the age of 14. 3. It’s very important for parents to help their children stop smoking. 4. Using paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down 5. People will guess you are a student with a good habit. ★介词填词规律:①S+V+O_____+n 中间基本为填写介词 ②固定介词短语 ★注意事项:介词就那么20多个常填的只要确定就从中搜寻形容词/副词 1. I was the most unlucky person in the world. 2. He is seriously ill/sick. 3. Teenagers can get cigarettes easily 4. Smoking made boys look cool/good/excited , 5. If not , here are four steps that really work! 6. You write too fast/ quickly , 7.Writing is much easier ★adj./adv.填词规律:①形容词于名词前系动词后; ②副词修饰adj./adv./v,副词修饰动词,常放于其后 ★注意事项:原级/ 比较级/最高级; 形/副的选择代词 1. He would help me to cool down. 2. My parents don’t ... ...

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