

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:66次 大小:473050Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2013年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编: 书面表达之看图作文 【2013四川宜宾】第三节:写作 (共1题,计12分) 最近媒体对“中国式过马路”这一现象进行了尖锐的批评,请你以一个中学生的角色,写一篇短文,对“中国式过马路”这一现象加以评述。 注意:1. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和学校名称。 2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。字数:80词左右,不可逐字翻译。 3. 参考词语:红绿灯tra ffic lights, 缺乏交通安全意识lack traffic safety awareness 遵守交通规则obey the traffic rules Chinese Styles of Crossing Streets Chinese styles of cr ossing streets has been a hot topic on the Internet recently. _____ 【答案】One possible version: Chinese style of crossing streets has been a hot topic on the Internet recently. Nowadays, many peop le cross streets without looking at the traffic lights. Why I think there are two main reasons. Some people lack traffic safety awareness. Besides, some people are so hurry that they don’t want to wait for the green lights. However, it has b rought danger to themselves as well as to others. So I hope something must be done to avoid traffic accidents. For example, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be punished. As middle school students, we should obey the traffic rules. What’s more, I will try my best to advise people to obey the rules. Only in this way can we cross streets safely. 【2013江苏连云港】书面表达 (满分20分) 76. 每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动 。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take action to realize our dreams”的英语短文。你的短文应包括以下内容: (1) 描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点; (2) 谈谈你的梦想,及如何实现。 注意: (1) 词数90左右,短文首段已经给出,不计入总词数; (2) 文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名。 Take action to realize our dreams All of ue have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams 【答案】 Take action to realize our dreams All of us have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams From the pictures, we know that Frank dreamed to become a doctor when he was 15 years old. However, 45 years later he still dreams to be a doctor lying in bed. It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions. This is the reason why he has failed to realize his dream. I also have a dream . I wish to work as an engineer when I grow up. I will study hard every day and improve my abilities to get ready for mu future job, so that I can make my dream come true (98 words) 【2013 浙江湖州】八、书面表达(共1题,计15分) 76. 和谐,玉润心田;文 明,风暖校园。情节和下面所提供的漫画和提示词,以 “Doing our part” (从我做起) 为题写一篇短文,内容必须包括: 1. 简单描述图中人物行为,并简述你的看法; 2. 发表你的校园文明倡议。 提示词:talk loudly; drop litter; save food; get along well with 要求:1. 条理清楚,又表明自己观点的句子;可适当发挥。 2. 文中不能出现校名、人名、地名等真实信息。 3. 80———100词。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Doing Our Part From the picture, w e can see that the boy _____ 【答案】 One possible version: Doing Our Part From the p icture, we can see the boy is dropping litter outside the tras ... ...

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