
Unit 5 Do you like pears PA Let’s talk课件+音视频+详案+课时训练及答案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:24170018Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登陆21世纪教育 助您教考全无忧 Unit 5 Do you like pears PA Let’s talk教案 Teaching aims: 1. Ss will be able to l isten, understand, read and say the words: honey, buy, fruit, pear and like. Ss will listen, read and say the sentence structures: Let’s buy some fruit. D you like … Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I like …. And Ss can use these sentence structures to ask and answer correctly and freely.21世纪教育网版权所有 2. Ss will be able to li sten, read, say and act out the dialogue in Let’s talk 3. Ss will have a genera l idea of the differences between singular and plural, such as a pear and pears, an apple and apples, an orange and oranges. And ss can use the plural forms of the fruits correctly.21·世纪*教育网 Teaching key points and difficult points: 1. Ss are suppos ed to listen, read, say and act out the dialogue in Let’s talk. 2. Ss will listen, rea d and say the sentence structures: Let’s buy some fruit. D you like pears Yes, I do. No, I don’t. I like …. And Ss can use these sentence structures to ask and answer correctly and freely.21cnjy.com Teaching aids: 1. PPT 2. Video and teaching cards of fruits 3. Music Teaching procedures: Step 1 warm up 1. Free talk T: Good morning. How are you …. What’s this (教师手拿一个苹果。本人认为实物教学尤其优越性。) What colour is it Ss: It’s red. T: What’s this (手拿青苹果) Ss: It’s an apple. T: Is it red Ss: No, it’s green. T: What’s this (手拿香蕉) Ss: Banana. T: A banana. What colour is it Ss: It’s yellow. T: Look, what colour is it (手拿梨) Ss: Yellow. T: Good. It’s a pear. (让学生有个初步的输入印象即可) Ss: Pear. (手拿橘子) T: What’s this (手拿橘子) Ss: An orange. T What colour is it Ss: It’s orange. T: What’s this (通过刚才的颜色画出彩虹) Ss: It’s a rainbow. 在自由对话中讨论颜色,帮助学生回顾关于颜色的单词。呈现各种颜色,最后变成彩虹,引出主题。 2. Topic T: Good try! Boys and girls, today we’ll go to see a beautiful rainbow about fruit. 教师引入今天教学主题,水果彩虹。并将其贴在黑板上。 Step 2 Preview 1. Present “I like ….” and practice it. T: I like red. What about you Ss: I like …. T: Like, like. 讨论自己喜欢的颜色,为一步讨论自己喜欢的水果做准备。 2. Present “I don’t like ….” And practice it. T: I don’t like black. What about you Ss: I don’t like …. T: Don’t, don’t. 讨论自己不喜欢颜色,为下一步讨论不喜欢的水果做铺垫。 3. Let’s play T: Wonderful! Now let’s play a game. OK Boys, you’re the apple tree. Yes or no Boys: Yes. T: Good! You can get a n apple. And girls, you are the orange tree. Yes or no Girls: Yes. T: Good. Girl s, you can get an orange. Now let’s listen and guess. Ready Go! (通过这个环节,确立了 本堂课的奖励机制是男生的苹果树和女生的桔子树。并在最后呈现的时候,以树上的苹果和桔子的复数形式,问一问男生和女生 “Do you like apples/ oranges?”来总结学习,前后呼应。) Step3. Presentation 1. Teach “apple-apples” (1). Tape: I’m red. I’m sweet. And I’m a fruit. (学生第一遍听到fruit时,可以只当听过也可以领读两遍,但不需要过多,因为后面会反复出现,对学生 ... ...

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