
Unit 6 Be a Champion Unit Review课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:3152887Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit Review UNIT 6 Be a Champion! 学 习 目 标 掌握本单元新学的单词、短语和句型; 掌握本单元的语法:形容词的比较级和最高级 1 3 学习运动员努力拼搏、不断超越自己的精神,并培养竞争意识和合作精神。 熟练掌握与本单元话题相关的语言结构 2 课 堂 导 入 Revision 绳,绳索 仰卧起坐 俯卧撑 赛跑,速度竞赛 结果;成绩 一个也没有 第二十的 rope sit-up push-up race result none twentieth Building Your Vocabulary Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words. The first letter is given. 1. Skipping is good exercise. R_____are cheap and light enough to carry everywhere. 2. She kept running for half a year and lost ten k_____in weight. 3. China won 38 g_____medals in the 2012 London Olympic Games. 4. Brian thought of some great ideas for the classroom Olympics, but n_____of them were accepted. 5. My favourite book is War and P____. opes ilos old eace one Ⅱ. Complete the passage with the correct words. One day, the animals were holding a sports meet in the forest. There was a 100?metre_____between a tortoise and a hare. At first, the hare was very happy because he thought he could run_____than the tortoise. A few times during the race, he stopped to rest. The tortoise knew that he couldn't run as fast as the hare. But he didn't_____up. He did his_____to catch up with the hare. He ran and ran. In the end, the tortoise_____! All the animals jumped up and down to cheer for the tortoise! race give faster best won Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words. 1. Compare this new computer with the old one, you will see which is_____(good). 2. Lesson 1 is much_____(easy) than Lesson 2. 3. Danny jumps_____(far)in my class. 4. There's nothing_____(bad) than going out with wet hair in the cold. 5. The doctor advises me to eat_____(little) meat. better Grammar in Use easier (the) farthest worse less Make a dialogue based on each sentence of the previous page. Example: Danny jumps_____(far)in my class. A: Brian jumps very far in the long jump. B: Yes, but I think Tom jumps farther than Brian. A: I agree with you. But Danny jumps farther than Tom. B: So Danny jumps (the) farthest in our class. (the) farthest Ⅰ. Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct answers. 1. How many seconds did Zhuang Yong take?  54. 48 seconds. 54. 64 seconds. 54. 46 seconds. 2. What kind of athlete is the special guest, Jeff Johnson?  He is a basketball player. He is a hockey player.  He is a volleyball player. √ √ Listening 3. What does the man play while riding his bicycle backwards?  He plays the violin.  He plays the piano.  He plays the guitar. √ 1. A: Who won China’s first gold medal in swimming? B: Zhuang Yong. She won the women’s 100-metre freestyle with a time of 54.64 seconds. 2. A: I hear that a special guest is going to visit our school. B: Yes, it’s Jeff Johnson. He played basketball for Canada in the last Olympics. He always tries hard and never gives up. He helped Canada win the bronze medal in basketball! 3. A: I found an unusual record. B: What is it? A ... ...

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