
Unit 7 Will people have robots? Section B教学课件(含音频)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:26次 大小:38724217Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件27张PPT。Do you think you will have your own robot? 视频Guessing gameI think it can cookWhat can it do?play the violinWhat can it do?clean the floorWhat can it do?danceWhat can it do?Water the plants.What can it do? Do you think you will have your own robot?Reading Aims : 1. Have a dream. 2. Learn some reading tips. (阅读秘诀) Task1.(找文章大意) What’s the main idea of this passage ? _____. A: The robots in the future . B: The scientists’ views process about the robots. (科学家的观点) C: The development (过程) of robot. cSkimming: Read the whole text for its Structure and main idea.Tip 1:The title(题目) is very important for reading.Para.1 Para. 3 Para. 2A. Scientists’ views( 观点)about robotsD.Robots in the movie B.Robots in the futureThe development (过程) of robots.Task: 每段大意与段落配对Para. 4C.Robots in the factoryTip2 : Topic sentence(主题句) is usually the first/last sentence. Scanning: Robots todayRead Paras. 1-2 carefully and answer the questions.(阅读1、2两段回答问题) The key words (关键词)can help you find the answers easily, you can underline them in your book. 1. What do the robots look like in the movies? 2. What can the robots do for people?Human servants.They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.Scanning: Robots today3. Where are the robots already working?In factories.Read Paras. 1-2 carefully and answer the questions. (阅读1、2两段回答问题) After reading Paras1-2, What are the differences between robots and us?Scanning: Read Paragraph 3 and get more information about scientists and robots. (读第三段寻找更多关于科学及与机器人的信息)Scanning: When you look through the text for the specific information; you need to pay more attention to the key words. Scanning Task1:Read Paragraph 3 and get the information about scientists and robots.(读第三段寻找更多关于科学及与机器人的信息) 1.Scientists are now trying to make robots_____ humans and do the simple things as we do. 2. Some scientists believe although robots_____ people, it’ll be difficult to make them really _____ a human.3.Some scientists think robots will be able to _____ humans in 25 to 50 years.look likemove likethink liketalk likemany different shapesSome scientists believe that there will be robots in the future. 2.These new robots will have many different shapes. 3. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 4.Computers and rockets also seemed impossible years ago.Para 4 : Robots in the future :Read and Mark True or False.(读第四段判断对错并改正))morefewer201001234FF 奥地利发生全球首例机器人自杀事件! ????据英国《每日镜报》13日报道,奥地利一台负责干家务的机器人,因为实在受够了家庭琐事,而选择自杀。房主说,这个机器人用来帮助打扫早餐遗落的残渣,完成工作后,就将机器人的开关关闭。主人离家后。但不知为何,这个机器人自己启动了,还爬到了炉子上,推开了放在炉子上的锅,把自己活活烧死。等主人回到家里,机器人早已是炉子上的 一堆灰烬。至于原因, 可能是不堪家务活所 ... ...

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