

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:95次 大小:550646Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Recycle 1 易错题检测卷-小学英语四年级下册人教PEP版 一、单选题 1.What’s the weather like _____ Shanghai ( ) A.in B.at C.on 2.—What _____ is it ( ) —It's 4 o'clock. A.colour B.time C.kind 3.—What’s your favourite colour ( ) —_____ A.It’s bike. B.It’s a banana. C.It’s white. 4.—_____ ( ) —It's near my school. A.How much is the dress B.Where is the library C.It's time to go to school. 5.—When do you do your homework every day ( ) —_____ A.5 o'clock. B.At home. C.At about 5o'clock. 6.Can I have _____ soup ( ) A.some B.any C.a D.an 二、中英互译:单词/短语 英汉互译。 7.homework _____ 8.午餐 _____ 9.music room _____ 10.下雪的 _____ 11.dinner _____ 三、选词/短语填空 hot  go to school  library PE class second 12.Our _____ is big. 13.The art room is on the _____ floor. 14.It's time to _____. 15.It's time for _____. 16.It's _____ today. 四、句图匹配 A.B.C. D. E. 17.—What subjects do you like, Su Yang —I like English and Music. ( ) 18.—When do you have lunch —At twelve. ( ) 19.—It’s time for PE. —Let’s go to the playground. Sam. ( ) 20.—What can you see on the river —I can see a boat on the river. ( ) 21.—Do you usually watch TV in the evening —Yes, I do. ( ) 五、句子匹配 A.It’s London. B.It’s the Queen’s house. C.It’s a desk. D.No, it isn’t. E. It’s very nice. 22.Whose house is it ( ) 23.What is it ( ) 24.Is that your house ( ) 25.How about your school ( ) 26.It’s a big city. What is it ( ) 六、排序题 27.(1) What time is it ( ) Oh! It’s time for English class. (4) Hurry! Let’s go! ( ) It’s 10 o'clock. 七、选内容补全对话/短文 John: Hello! Welcome to our class. Chen Jie: _____28_____ John: _____29_____ Chen Jie: I’m from Hong Kong (香港). John: _____30_____ Chen Jie: It’s not cold there. John: _____31_____ Chen Jie: _____32_____ A.Where are you from B.Is it snowy C.What’s the weather like in Hong Kong D.No, it isn’t. Sometimes it’s rainy. E.Thank you! 八、连词成句 33.no, I, umbrella, have (.) _____ 34.up, and, breakfast, I, have, get (.) _____ 九、阅读选择 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I’m Mike. I am ten years old. I live in Shanghai. It’s warm now. I get up at 6 o'clock. I eat breakfast at 6:40. It’s 7:20 now. I go to school. My classroom is on the second floor. There are forty students in my class. I have Chinese and English in the morning. I love my teachers and classmates. I have lunch at school. After school, I go home. I like my school. 35.Mike is _____ years old. ( ) A.8 B.9 C.10 36.Mike gets up at _____. ( ) A.5:00 B.6:00 C.7:00 37.Mike _____ at 7:20. ( ) A.gets up B.eat breakfast C.goes to school 38.There are _____ students in the class. ( ) A.40 B.42 C.50 39.There are _____ classes in the morning. ( ) A.one B.two C.three 十、阅读判断 My school is near (附近) a small lake (湖). It is very beautiful. Our classroom is on the first floor. We have a big library on the second fl ... ...

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