
2023年中考英语总复习一词多义 核心词句专题训练 第16课时 Units 7—8(九全)(冀教版、含答案)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:97次 大小:660472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第16课时 Units 7—8(九全) 核心词句运用 Ⅰ.根据句意或所给提示,填写正确的单词。 1.To my surprise, our teammates all nodded in     (agree) just now. 2. Although he is very     (wealth), he never shows off in public. 3.Professor Li is quite     (satisfy) with his students’ creative inventions. 4.Let’s go to find a quiet place. It’s too     (noise) here. 5.To break     (silent), I told a joke and soon the conversation went on smoothly. 6.They plan to take turns     (help) Grandma Wang. 7.In our city there     (be) a number of cars and the number of them     (be) growing larger and larger. 8. Miss Brown    (praise) Lucy for her volunteer work in class last week. 9.Thanks     your help, we finished the work on time. 10.We should tidy     the classrooms before having lessons every day. Ⅱ.词语运用 Different countries have different table manners. It’s very 1.    (interest)! Here are some examples. In some countries, 2.    (provide) guests with enough food is polite. While in other countries, people don’t do this 3.     it makes the guests feel like they are being forced to eat. In most East Asian countries, people use 4.    (chopstick) to eat. In 5.    (west) countries, people usually eat with a knife and a fork. Do you know that in some places people 6.    (simple) use hands to eat And in some places, they only use 7.    (they) right hands. In Russia, it’s polite to leave a bit 8.     food on your plate to show the host that there is plenty to eat. But in India, finishing the food on your plate is 9.    (consider) to be polite. It means you enjoy the food. If you travel around 10.     world, you will find many different table manners and customs. Just do as the Romans do. Ⅲ.连词成句 1.delicious, us, they, food, some, offer, will  . 2.giving, for, the, thanks, me, message  . 3.there, in, cultures, are, China, many   4.it, job, wise, the, to, change, is, not  . 5. knows, happy, how, her mum, she, make, to  . 答案 核心词句运用 Ⅰ.1.agreement 2.wealthy 3.satisfied 4.noisy 5. silence 6.helping 7.are; is 8.praised 9.to 10.up Ⅱ.1.interesting 2.providing 3.because 4.chopsticks 5.Western 6.simply 7.their 8.of 9.considered 10.the Ⅲ.1.They will offer us some delicious food 2.Thanks for giving me the message 3.Are there many cultures in China 4.It is not wise to change the job 5. She knows how to make her mum happy

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