
外研版七年级下册 Module 10 A holiday journeyUnit 1 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:91次 大小:122108Byte 来源:二一课件通
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科目 英 语 年级 七年级 年 月 日 主备教师 复备教师 课题 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do 教材分析 What The topic of this unit is about a holiday journey, which is very interesting for students. The travelling experience of Betty leads in the topic to make students talk about what she did, where she went to and how she went to in the places. When students are listening and talking, they will understand the usage of wh-questions of the simple past tense. Why As English learners, we should know something about foreign culture, history and life by learning holiday exprience. By learning this lesson, students can talk about daily dalogues when they are trawelling. They can know the culture of American cities and compare different culture with ours as well. And also, we should teach them to share their ideas. How Many relative words and phrases, especially the simple past tense included in this topic. They are used to describe holidays. 学情分析 The students are the seventh graders who can use basic listening and talking skills to understand the dalogue. They are interested in listening material. But they are weak in talking their own ideas. Besides, they know little about the culture of other countries. 教学目标 Students can master the new words and sentences. . 2. Students can use different listening and talking strategies when they learn different kinds of materials. Also they can get into the good habit of sharing ideas. 4. Students can know and choose something which is right to themselves. 教 学 重 难 点 Tomaster new words and expressions. To use simple past tense to describe their experience. To help students use wh-questions of the simple past tense correctly.. Students learn to be interested in other culture. 教学方法 Task-based approach. 教学准备 Multimedia handouts and pictures 课 时 教 学 过 程 二次备课 Teaching Procedures: Step I:Lead-in Lead in the topic by asking two questions: Do you like trawelling Did you have a holiday in the USA Step II: Pre-listening Listen a conversation between Daming and Betty. And try to get what they are mainly talking about. Briefly introduce California to Ss and show some pictures about the places there to let them know the spelling and pronunciation of these places. Listen again and number these places. Step III: While-Listening ( (1)Ask Ss to think about a question: What else do they want to know about Betty’s journey when how how long who what why (2)Ask students to listen Activity 2 for twice and fill in the blanks.First the teacher need to help Ss to go through the table and then ask two Ss to write on the blackboard. (3) Check the answers together and listen again to find answes of t two questions. Step IV: Read (1) Ask Ss to read amd underline the questions Tony and Lingling ask Betty’s journey to LA and help Ss to analyze them. (2)Let Ss answer these questins with the sentences in the dalogue. Step VII: Post-listening (1) Play a game: Show a picture about the teacher’s journey and ... ...

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