
牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Module 2 Places and activities Unit 6 Going to school 自测练习3-4(含解析)

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:38920Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Unit Six 自测练习3-4 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、单项选择 1.Joe goes to school by underground. It usually takes him half _____ hour. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.You can always find many _____ in Shanghai Wild Animal Park at weekends. A.child B.animal C.people D.flower 3.What did you see _____ you came back home A.if B.what C.where D.when 4._____ does it usually take you to do your homework every day A.How long B.How many C.How much D.How far 5.Last Sunday, it took _____ about two hours to meet their friends. A.them B.they C.their D.theirs 6.There are only _____ minutes left. Let's hurry. A.little B.a little C.a few D.few 二、句子/对话改错 Correct the following mistakes(改正下列句子的错误) 7.I see some shops and restaurants on my way to home. 错误_____ 改正_____ 8.Jack by ferry to work every day. 错误_____ 改正_____ 9.How long does it takes you to get to the supermarket 错误_____ 改正_____ 10.It takes me about 5 minutes to travelling to school. 错误_____ 改正_____ 11.It takes she about an hour to get there. 错误_____ 改正_____ 12.I see many milk in the bottle. Would you like to drink some more 错误_____ 改正_____ 三、完成句子 Complete the sentences with the given Chinese(用括号中所给汉语完成下列句子): 13.1 can only speak a little Japanese because I've only learned it_____(几个月). 14.Jack (住得离电影院很近). So he_____(步行去看电影). 15.My home is just_____(离学校10分钟的路程). 16.The park is_____(离……远)the center of the city. 17.Now, there are_____(许多百货商店)in Shanghai. 四、阅读排序 Put the following paragraphs into a correct order(将下列段落按正确的顺序排列): A.A report said this kind of rule would be a great way to fight both obesity(肥胖)and climate(气候) change. If a common British adult walks just one more hour a week, it will stop him from putting on 12 kg over 10 years. And more walking could protect the environment. B.Nowadays, more and more parents drive their children to school. In order to stop this, the London government is planning to make a new school safety rule. The rule calls for people not to stop their cars around schools. So children and their parents have to walk to school. It would be good for both children and their parents C.The report also said that the new rule not only saved millions of pounds, but also made people much healthier. So it's a good way to walk to school D.In 1989, British adults usually drove their kids 55 miles to school, but that has gone up to 82 miles by 2005. At the moment, nearly 40 percent of journeys are less than two miles long. People could walk in 30 minutes, but they go by car. 18._____ 19._____ 20._____ 21._____ 五、阅读判断 Read the bar chart and write "T" or "F"(阅读图标做出判断, 与图标内容一致的用"T"表示, 不一致的用"F"表示) The chart shows the ways students in Miss Li's class choose to go to school. 22.Five students go to school by bicycle 23.Most students go to school ... ...

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