
牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Module 1 Family and friends Unit 2 I have a good friend 自测练习3-4(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:25371Byte 来源:二一课件通
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牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期Unit Two 自测练习3-4 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、阅读填表 Read the introductions to John and Helen, underline the descriptions of John's and Helen's characters and fill in the table. (读介绍, 划出描写John和Helen性格特点的句子, 并填入表格) John never gets up early and he is sometimes late for school. He never listens carefully in class. And he also copies his classmates' maths homework so he often gets C in maths. After class, he chases his friends in the classroom. He likes fighting with other boys. At home, he plays a lot of computer games. Helen is always the first to get to school. She always listens carefully in class and answers her teachers' questions. She likes to help other students. She likes reading English books and sometimes helps her friends with their English. After school, she always takes her dog for a walk. John is lazy… _____1_____ Helen studies hard… _____2_____ John is naughty… _____3_____ Helen is helpful… _____4_____ John is not friendly… _____5_____ Helen loves reading… _____6_____ 二、阅读回答问题 Read the introductions again and answer the questions. (根据下文内容回答下列问题) John never gets up early and he is sometimes late for school. He never listens carefully in class. And he also copies his classmates' maths homework so he often gets C in maths. After class, he chases his friends in the classroom. He likes fighting with other boys. At home, he plays a lot of computer games. Helen is always the first to get to school. She always listens carefully in class and answers her teachers' questions. She likes to help other students. She likes reading English books and sometimes helps her friends with their English. After school, she always takes her dog for a walk. 7.Does John go to school on time _____. 8.How does John do his maths homework _____. 9.What does John like to do at home _____. 10.What does Helen do in class _____. 11.Which subject is Helen good at _____. 12.Do you want to make friends with John or Helen Why _____. 三、阅读填表 Read the passage and complete the table. (根据短文内容用完整的句子完成表格) My name is Joanna. I study in No.3 Middle School. I have a lot of friends at school. Alice, Kitty, Ben and Joe are all my good friends. They are all kind and helpful. We always go to school together. We have lunch and play at noon together, too. Ben often shares his books with me because he likes reading. Alice always helps me with my English. Joe is good at maths so he helps me with it. Kitty never tells lies. I have a dog named Mimi. She is small and lovely. I like playing with her and we sometimes go to the park together. When my parents go out, Mimi will stay with me at home. She is my good friend at home. Two years ago, my classmates and I joined Friends of the Earth. The environment is our friend, too. It's important to keep it clean. We go to the park to pick up rubbish at weekends. Name Things to do Friends at school Ben _____13_____ Alice _ ... ...

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