
Unit 7 Know Our World Lesson 40 Body Language 课时练习(含解析)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:27044Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 Know Our World Lesson 40 Body Language 一、单选题 1.— What cool cars! They can drive without people. — It’s reported that they _____ by computers inside. A.are controlled B.were controlled C.will be controlled D.should be controlled 2.If you tell me the news in _____, I will have enough time to prepare for it. A.silence B.advance C.danger D.trouble 3.— Bruce, you’ve borrowed so many books. — My little son loves reading so these are _____ for him and only two are for me. A.simply B.hardly C.mainly D.certainly 4.—Could I speak to Jackson I phoned _____. —Sorry, he is still in his meeting. A.late B.earlier C.earliest D.later 5.It’s polite _____ you _____ your teachers and classmates when you meet them. A.of; greeting B.for; greeting C.of; to greet D.for; to greet 二、单词首字母及单词填空 6.He never lets those long _____ (沉默) develop during dinner. 7.Silk is _____(生产)in Zhejiang Province both in the past and now. 8.The giraffe has a very long _____ (脖子). 9.Every year, thousands of _____ (欧洲的) visitors come to Hangzhou for a visit. 10.Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain. Porcelain is the thin china m_____ from a special _____(材料)called clay. 三、句子翻译 11.如果在这里建设一个新的机场,许多动物将失去家园。 _____ 12.四分之三的地球表面是被水所覆盖的吗? _____ 13.Debbie欢快地与她打招呼。 _____ 14.她想提醒我,明天是她的生日。 _____ 15.世界被变成了一个更小的地方。 _____ 四、阅读理解 Communicating with Our Hands We use our hands to communicate in many ways. The thumbs up sign shows agreement. A wave of the hand can be a gesture to mean hello. Many people make an “O” with their thumb and second finger to show that everything is OK. While riding a bike, people use hand signals (信号) to communicate that they are going to turn left, or stop. Policemen wave traffic on or hold their hands up to direct drivers to stop. In classrooms, children often put up their hands for permission (许可), people clap their hands to show appreciation (赞赏) for a performance. Some people use sign language (a system of hand gestures, facial expressions and body language) as their primary form of communication. Deaf people communicate through a system of sign language. Like different verbal (口头的) languages are spoken around the world (促进) communication and education of deaf people. It has become common for parents to teach signs to little children. Babies can actually imitate (模仿) and use signs before they can speak clearly. This helps parents get to know what a child is in need of before the child is able to communicate his or her needs verbally (口头地). Just as people study more spoken languages, an increasing number of people are choosing to study sign language in their free time. Each year, thousands of people learn sign language so they can more easily communicate with deaf people. Many companies are looking for workers with the ability to communicate through sign language. Many people learn sign language ... ...

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