
2023年中考英语总复习综合测试:完形填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读 02(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:38592Byte 来源:二一课件通
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速测(二) 完形填空+阅读理解D+E+任务型阅读 [限时:25分钟 满分:28分 得分:    ] Ⅰ.完形填空(10分)   If you’re a hard-working and excellent student, your classmates might ask for your homework answers. You may break the rules and  1  your answers because of pressure. However, this will  2  both you and this person.   You can make them avoid cheating by  3  their requirements. It’s certainly  4  to say no, especially when you want to seem friendly. You can give a part of the answer to show your idea of stopping them  5 .   You can also tell them you know they are worried about their  6 , but you never share your answers. Then  7  tell them the bad results about cheating. You can also ask your teachers for help, and they may give  8  advice about such situations.   Help your classmates review the lessons and lead them to get the answers by  9 . This can not only help them out of trouble, but also make your friendship forever and stronger. Of course, you can consider starting a study  10  that allows you and your classmates to learn together. (  )1.A.order B.share C.reply D.warn (  )2.A.test B.treat C.stick D.hurt (  )3.A.turning down B.making up C.trying out D.putting on (  )4.A.easy B.funny C.hard D.silly (  )5.A.touching B.changing C.copying D.standing (  )6.A.grades B.opinions C.spirits D.methods (  )7.A.quietly B.smoothly C.clearly D.simply (  )8.A.bright B.proper C.similar D.strange (  )9.A.yourselves B.themselves C.ourselves D.yourself (  )10.A.secret B.reason C.period D.group Ⅱ.阅读理解(12分) Passage 1   Chinese is mainly divided into 13 dialects(方言) and these dialects can be further divided into many kinds of local dialects. Putonghua (or Mandarin), the predominant dialect, is spoken by over 70% of the population and is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. Within these large dialect groups, there are small groups, many of which are difficult to understand. In Fujian, for example, people living 10 kilometres away from one another can be speaking different Min dialects.   Putonghua. It is the mother dialect of Chinese living in northern China and Sichuan Province. It is called Guoyu in some parts of China, like Hong Kong, Macao(澳门) and Taiwan. It is known in English as Mandarin Chinese, or Standard Chinese.   Wu. Spoken in Shanghai, most of Zhejiang and the southern parts of Jiangsu and Anhui, Wu is made up of hundreds of different spoken forms.   Hakka/Kejia. Hakka is widely spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, and some countries in Southeast Asia.   Min. It is spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. Min group is the most diverse(多样的), with many different spoken forms used in neighbouring countries.   Yue. It is spoken in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, all over Southeast Asia and by many Chinese living abroad. 1.What does the underlined word “predominant” mean (  ) A.more beautiful B.more special C.more interesting D.more common 2.What do you know a ... ...

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