
Unit 7 School clubs Listening&Speaking课件

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:69次 大小:61929984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 7 School clubs Listening and Speaking 教学内容:P90, P94 摄影作品欣赏 图为海洋世界。无人机航拍的巴西著名海滩弗洛里亚诺波利斯。 点亮暗夜。摄影师Manish Mamtani到拱门国家公园夜拍,不过在拍摄过程中遇到了云层干扰,回到车里等候大约2个小时夜空终于放晴了。我们现在看到的这张照片其实是自拍,相机当时被放在车里。 夕阳下的瀑布,冰岛。上月在冰岛旅行时,摄影师Ed Graham使用长曝光法拍下了这张唯美的夕阳瀑布照片。 白犀牛。摄影师Stefane Berube花费了一整天为这些濒临绝种的非洲白犀牛拍照,目的只是获得一张让人满意的照片。考虑到安全问题,他只能躲在30英尺外的草丛里拍摄,但怎么也拍到想要的画面。但有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫,隔天早上起来,这三只犀就出现在镜头前。 地球的颜色。孟买达拉维贫民窟人们的生计主要依赖传统制陶业。照片里的两位妇女是陶器店工人,此时正是短暂的午休时间,两人神色凝重地在对话,而她们身上的红色衣裳完美融入到周围的陶器当中。摄影:Maja Bednas 大卫·纳姆提交了这张充满生机的照片,照片里的年轻人正在两列火车厢顶玩耍。大卫说这一场景摄于栋吉火车站,在孟加拉国参加过全球公会的一大群人正乘火车赶回家中。 Part II Pre-Listening Before listening, go through the listening material and guess what you are going to listen to. First listening, catch the main idea of the listening material. Second listening, try to write down the word and figure very quickly, then check. Listening skills What's the time /What time is it (3:05) It's five past three./It's three“ o” five. (3:15) It's a quarter past three./It's three fifteen. (3:25) It's twenty-five past three./It's three twenty-five. (3:30) It's half past three./It's three thirty. (3:40) It's twenty to four./It's three forty. (3:45) It's a quarter to four./It's three forty-five. Listening P90 Complete the notes. Monday 307 4:30 photos Basketball Thursday playground 12:45 game Part IV Post-Listening Tapescript Principal: Good morning, everyone. Two teachers are going to tell you about their clubs. Listen carefully. Let's welcome Miss Yang first. Miss Yang: Thanks, Mr Wang. Hi, everyone. I'm Miss Yang. Our Photography Club meets on every Monday, in Room 307. Our meeting is from three thirty to four thirty. We often have a different activity each week. Last week, we took some photos in a park. This week, we are going to watch a film. Thank you. Principal: Thank you, Miss Yang. Now, Mr Zhang will tell you about the Basketball Club. Mr Zhang: Hi, I'm Mr Zhang. Our club meets on every Thursday, often in the playground. We start at a quarter to one and finish at half past one. Last week, we played a game with students from another school. However, this week, we're going to watch a basketball match on TV. Thank you. Exercise 1: 选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1. Yesterday I watched a basketball match _____ TV. A. from B. of C. at D. on ( )2. At the expo (展览会), we met many people _____ other countries. A. to B. of C. from D. with D C ( )3. -- When did the accident happen -- At 7 p.m. _____ 25 November. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( )4. This weekend we will _____ a film at the ... ...

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