

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:100次 大小:532275Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2014中考英语完形填空(7)及答案(解析) 该精品搜集了历年的联考、竞赛,中考模拟、 真题中的完形填空,大部分是2013、09月以后的完形填空,都有参考答案,有的附有解析,紧扣教材,紧扣考纲,具有参考价值,欢迎下载以后有选择性使用。该精品共共46页。 中考完形填空(1)【四川省成都市2014模拟】 .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41—60各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。   Kate said “Hello” to Mr Patel as she entered. She picked up a wire basket and walked towards the back of the store 21 the rice was kept. The room was quite large and divided by three long aisles(过道), with rows of shelves full of 22 . Besides her and Mr Patel there were only two boys in the store. They were both wearing 23 overcoats. They looked rather 24 because the overcoats were too big for them. “ 25 ,” she heard one of them whisper to 26 . She walked on to the next aisle and found the 27 she was looking for. Then she heard something else. It 28 like a box dropping on the floor. She looked through the small open space 29 goods on the shelf and saw one of the boys picking up a box. But 30 putting it in the basket, he dropped 31 into the inside pocket of his overcoat. Kate looked back and 32 see Mr Patel at the door checking through a list. Then she looked through the 33 in the shelf again. The boys still had their backs to her. They were putting something 34 into their inside pockets and then one of them said, “Let’s get out of here.” They moved away from her.21世纪教育网版权所有 When she got to t he door the two boys were 35 her. She watched them 36 for the few things in their 37 . They had both 38 their overcoats. Mr Patel did not seem to know what they had done. He even 39 at them as they were about to 40 . Now, Kate decided to stop them. 21. A. which B. that C. there D. where 22. A. books B. baskets C. goods D. magazines 23. A. dirty B. long C. grey D. tight 24. A. strange B. young C. nervous D. excited 25. A. Look up B. Listen to me C. Watch out D. Put it down 26. A. him B. her C. the boy D. the other 27. A. book B. rice C. bag D. magazine 28. A. looked B. heard C. showed D. sounded 29. A. between B. of C. around D. at 30. A. instead of B. before C. without D. as if 31. A. something B. it C. one D. that 32. A. would B. should C. might D. could 33. A. spot B. space C. goods D. books 34. A. importan t B. new C. else D. extra 35. A. looking at B. talking to C. in front of D. behind 36. A. paying B. looking C. asking D. reaching 37. A. hands B. pockets C. box D. basket 38. A. thrown out B. put on C. buttoned D. hidden 39. A. shouted B. smiled C. looked D. laughed 40. A. leave B. pay C. speak D. apologise 【参考答案】完形填空 21--25 DCBAC 26—30 DBDAA 31—35 BDBCC 36—40ADCBA 中考完形填空(2)【山东省济南市2014模拟】 完形填空。从每题A. B、 C.D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分) A train stopped at a small 36 .A man look37 0f the window and saw a woman 38 cakes. People from the train were buyi ... ...

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