

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:55次 大小:1044321Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2014中考英语阅读理解(5)及答案(解析) 该精品精选了2013、09月以来的的联考、竞赛,中考模拟、真题中的阅读理解,穿插回顾了2013年9月以前近2年的精品阅读理解,都有参考答案,有的附有解析。该精品共48篇文章,共60页。 中考阅读理解(1) 【广西省防城港市2014模拟】( A ) 阅读下面的短文.从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。 According to a recent survey, British teenagers are not in good health because they don’t have enough time for sleep. They don’t sleep well, either. They are often disturbed(打扰) by electronic gadgets(器具,装置) in their bedrooms. We call such kind of sleep “junk sleep”. We did a survey among 1,000 students aged 12 to 16, and we found out that 30 percent of them slept for only 4 to 7 hours a day. Nearly a quarter said they fell asleep while they were watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic gadgets.’ Nowadays, almost all the teenagers have a phone, music system or TV in his or her bedroom. Almost 20 percent of the teenager boys said the quality of their sleep were not good. It was affected by leaving their TVs or computers on. The survey also found out that 40 percent of young people felt tired every day. What’s more, the girls aged 15 to 16 felt the worst among them. “Teenagers need to realize the importance of sleeping well. If they sleep well, they will be able to study hard and perform well at school. I am shocked to know that so few teenagers have noticed the close connection between sleep and schoolwork,” said Dr Chris. ( )41. What disturbs British teenager in their bedrooms? A. Sleep. B. Electronic gadgets. C. Schoolwork. ( )42. According to the result of the survey, how long did 30 percent of students sleep a day? A. 3 to 7 hours. B. 4 to 7 minutes. C. 4 to 7 hours. ( )43. The word “ quality” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 数量 B. 质量 C. 时间 ( )44. Among the students, felt the worst. A. the girls aged 13. B. the girls aged 15. C. the girls aged 17. ( )45. What does the passage talk about ? A. Junk food. B. Junk sleep. C. Teenagers. 【参考答案】41—45 BCBBB 中考阅读理解(2) 【广西省防城港市2014模拟】( B ) 阅读下面的信息,做46~50题。 46.What time is the soccer tournament(锦标赛)? A. At 2 pm. B. At 10 am. C. At 9 pm. 47.If Lily wants to buy a present for her mother on March 8th, she may pay attention to the advertisement of . A. Soccer Tournament B. Traditional Rodeo C. Big Sale 48. People who want to go to BIG SALE can go to the shop . A. on Sunday B. on Saturday C. on Friday 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. If you want to know more about Soccer Tournament, you can send e-mails to them. B. Traditional Rodeo is only on Sunday. C. If you buy a thing whose normal price is $10, you need to pay $6-8 on Women’s Day. 50. After reading the passage, we can’t get the information about . A. the telephone number of Soccer Tournament B. the price of Big Sale C. the price of the film tickets 【参考答案】46—50ACCCC 中考阅读理解(3) (2011嘉兴、舟山) When you are ... ...

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