

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:100次 大小:47247Byte 来源:二一课件通
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江苏省无锡市江阴市澄西片 近三年(2020-2022)七年级下学期期中英语试题分类汇编 完形填空 江苏省无锡市江阴市澄西片2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题 三.完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 满分 10 分) It is 7:30 in the evening at Lisa's house and she is in her room doing her homework. 36 homework is just one of the things she is doing when she is looking at the computer screen (屏幕). When studying for her Maths exam, Lisa is also listening to music, chatting with her best friend online, and sometimes sending 37 to her classmates on her mobile phone. "My parents ask me not to do some other tasks when studying, but they don't understand it _38 me to concentrate (集中注意力), "she says. Now people usually do a few things at the same time. Young people today spend about six hours one day using many kinds of media(媒体) and doing _39_ things at the same time. This is the 40 why we call them the "multi-tasking generation"(多任务一代). _41_ can they deal with (处理)multi-tasking They are chatting with others on the phone when they are 42. But when they are getting new information, multi-tasking may bring them _43_ things. Of course, we are not saying you 44_ do a few things at the same time. Remember not to do it when you are learning something new. Also, it's important to take _45 away from electronic media(电子媒体). I really think "multi-tasking generation" should relax. We have something more than the screen and we should have a face-to-face talk often. 36. A. And B. But C. So D. Then 37. A. diaries B. wishes C. presents D. messages 38. A. helps B. stops C. wants D. wishes 39. A. different B. interesting C. important D. helpful 40. A. answer B. question C. reason D. problem 41. A. What B. When C. How D. Why 42. A. singing B. walking C. sleeping D. swimming 43. A. bad B. good C. old D. modern 44. A. will B. won't C. should D. shouldn't 45. A. money B. time C. energy D. work 江苏省无锡市江阴市澄西片2020-2021学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题 三、完形填空 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。(本大题共5分,每小题0.5分) I have five children, so our house is always noisy. 36 , I love gardening and my garden helps me relax(放松). For a long time, I guarded (守护) the garden of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden, I would like 37 to be out of sight. And I would hand out tasks(任务). “Here: you 38 the onions(洋葱), you dig the holes, and...” Soon they would be 39 or their arms would be sore (酸痛的), and they would leave me to myself. But during a recent (最近的) spring, while I was working in the garden, my 13-year-old son, Josiah found me. He 40 a tool(工具)and began helping. Working as a team, we finished the job in no time at all. I 41 Josiah, realizing(意识到) that I’d enjoyed working with him. The same thing happened--one or two of the 42 would appear and join in the gardening from time to time. Each time, I would feel surprised that the work was lighter because of their help. One day, whe ... ...

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