
译林版(三起)小学英语六年级下册期中检测卷 (含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:34次 大小:1089536Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 译林版(三起)小学英语六年级下册期中检测卷 (含答案) 一、单选题 1.( ) I know “cm” is _____. A.centimetre B.kilometre C.metre D.kilo 2.His father _____ very angry and said, “ Listen to me _____!” ( ) A.is; carefully B.was; carefully C.were; careful 3.There _____ a basketball game this weekend. ( ) A.is going to have B.will have C.is going to be D.was 4.How can you cross the road _____? ( ) A.safety B.safe C.safely 5.In _____ word “pineapple”, we can find a “pine” and _____ “apple”. (  ) A.a; an B.the; a C.the; an 6.Look! The students are _____an English lesson. ( ) A.having B.has C.had 7.—Look! The man is _____. We _____ cross the road. ( ) —Oh, sorry. A.green; needn’t B.red; mustn’t C.yellow; can 8.-How many are there in a week -There are____. A.day; seven B.days; seven C.days; five D.day; five 9.( ) _____Li Ming taller than Gao Shan three years ago A.Is B.Was C.Does D.Did 10.He is thirsty, so he drinks _____ water. ( ) A.a lot B.a little C.much 二、用单词正确形式填空 11.The question is too easy, he can answer it _____ (easy). 12.Please speak _____ (quiet) in the library. 13.My mother _____ (have) a rabbit. It can _____ (跳). 14.Bill _____ (wake) his sister up this morning. 15.I want _____ (fly) the kite this afternoon. 三、补全句子 16.I am short. I can’t r_____ the apples on the tree. 17.Be quiet, don’t _____ (吵醒你的爸爸). 18.That is a _____ (强壮的) man. 19.I think I have a h_____ diet. How about you 20.Please turn off the _____ when you leave the room. 四、词图匹配 21.选出能表达该图片意义的单词或短语。 A light B tidy C hit D health E mouseF shout G cheer H sleepy I net J pour (1). ( ) (2).( ) (3).( ) (4).( ) (5).( ) (6).( ) (7).( ) (8).( ) (9).( ) (10).( ) 五、句子匹配 选择方框中合适的句子完成对话。 A.I think big fish are better.B.No, we have eaten all up already.C.I would like to eat fish.D.And buy some grapes, please, Mum.E. Can we have some tomato soup, please Mum: David, what would you like for dinner David: ____22____ Mum: I like fish, too. Do you like big fish or small fish David: ____23____ Mum: OK, I’ll buy a big one. David: ____24____ Mum: It’s a good idea. David: ____25____ Mum: I think we have some grapes in the fridge. David: ____26____ Mum: OK, I will go to the supermarket now. 六、排序题 27.根据所学狮子与老鼠的故事,给下列句子排序。 ( )a. The lion caught the mouse . ( )b. The lion and the mouse became good friends. ( )C.The lion could not get out from the net . ( )d. The mouse woke the lion up . ( )e. The lion let the mouse go . ( )f. The mouse helped the lion get out . 七、选出错误选项并改正 28.People drive on the left side of the road in China. _____ A B C 29.How can you cross the road safe ( )_____ A B C 30.选出错误的选项,并将正确答案填写在横线上。 How can we crossing the road safely ( ) _____ A B C 31.Be quiet. Don’t talking in the library. ( ) __ ... ...

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