
人教版(新课程标准)必修一 Unit 1 Friendship复习课件(共81张PPT)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:23次 大小:3314176Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) sufferings suffered 背词条用法 (1)be/feel upset about/over/at sth. 为某事心烦/难过 be upset to do sth.     做某事感到不安/难过 (2)What upsets sb. is ... 让某人心烦的是…… It upsets sb. to do sth./that ... 让某人心烦的是…… 背写作佳句 ①(2020·浙江7月高考写作)I am upset to hear that you have gone back home on sick leave. 得知您因病回国休假,我感到很难过。 ②It upset her that he had left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别让她感到不安。 背词条用法 (1)show/express concern about/for 对……表示关心 (2)concern oneself about/with 对……表示关心/担心 (3)be concerned about/for 担心……;关心…… be concerned with 与……有关;涉及 as far as ... be concerned 就……而言 背写作佳句 ①Nowadays people are more concerned about/for the environment where they live. 现在,人们更加关心他们的居住环境。 ②As far as I'm concerned, traditional Chinese culture, including paper-cutting, guzheng and so on, has its unique characteristics. 就我而言,中国传统文化,包括剪纸、古筝等,都有其独特的特点。 包裹 补充说 临近的,临界的 被遗忘 (食物或天气)使(某人)身体不适 some tips on how to get along with my classmates I miss you very much and am greatly grateful for your generous help concerns concerned concerning concerned himself 提供动力;驱动 2.A.saying B.pretending C.guessing D.replying 解析:根据“their handbag's been stolen”及语境可知,顾客们冲进来,说他们的手提包被偷了。 答案:A  3.A.agree B.promise C.imagine D.swear 解析:根据语境可知,他们发誓他们把它留在更衣室了。 答案:D  4.A.forget B.decide C.discover D.assume 解析:上一句说顾客说他们的手提包被盗,此处表示“然后却发现它一直在车上”。 答案:C  5.A.foods B.catalogues C.belongings D.goods 解析:根据空后的 shop 和语境可知,此处应选goods。 答案:D  6.A.particular B.different C.matching D.natural 解析:顾客们只想要店里卖完的某一特定颜色的款式。 答案:A  7.A.fighting B.smiling C.waiting D.changing 解析:根据连词 but 可知,此处填入的词与前一分句中的 upset 相反,故选B。 答案:B  8.A.generous B.polite C.careless D.difficult 解析:根据下文中的“She was ... nothing was right”可知,这个顾客很难应付。difficult“难以取悦的”,符合语境。 答案:D  9.A.curious about B.displeased with C.patient with D.uncertain about 解析:根据下文中的“nothing was right”可知,她对一切都不满意。be displeased with“对……不满意”。 答案:B  10.A.relaxed B.delighted C.surprised D.embarrassed 解析:根据上文可知,顾客对一切都不满意,但后来却成了常客,所以“我”对此很惊讶(surprised)。 答案:C  11.A.searched B.argued C.prayed D.apologized 解析:根据下文可知,事后她因刚开始的行为而向“我”道歉。 答案:D  12.A.by chance B.by herself C.on purpose D.on duty 解析:由于和丈夫分开了,所以她独自一人(by herself)住在公寓。 答案:B  13.A.rude B.such C.other D.lonely 解析:因为她发现要应对很多问题,便将情绪发泄给他人。take it out on sb.“拿某人出气”。 答案:C  14.A.lesson B.trick C.skill D.trade 解析:这件事给作者上了宝贵的一课(lesson)。 ... ...

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