
高中英语 人教版(新课程标准) 必修1 Unit 1-3 单词快闪抢答竞赛有趣课件-(共61张PPT)

日期:2024-10-02 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:87次 大小:2221166Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 各位 boys and girls 今晚 我们来 我们来 单词大比拼 Are you you ready OK 希望诸位 积极参与 第一名小组将获得 全员加分 外 加 选 择 watch 哪个 哪个 video 的权利 add add oil 各位 boys and girls 今晚 今晚 我们来 单词大比拼 A r e y o u ready? OK 希望诸位 希望诸位 积极参与 第一名小 组将获得 全员加分 外加选择watch哪个video的权利 add add oil Unit 1 upset entire a series of on purpose face to face Unit 1 1.1 face to face ignore grateful suffer from go through get tired of Unit 1 1.2 get tired of settle swamp set down get along with fall in love with Unit 1 1.3 fall in love with recover disagree calm down in order to be concerned about Unit 1 1.4 be concerned about Unit 2 lightning request gradually apartment make use of Unit 2 2.1 make use of subway recognize latter fluent play a part in Unit 2 2.2 play a part in accent official elevator frequent have a good command of Unit 2 2.3 have a good command of native block come up at present be based on Unit 2 2.4 be based on Unit 3 finally reliable stubborn give in at midnight Unit 3 3.1 at midnight prefer altitude organize care about be fond of Unit 3 3.2 be fond of persuade schedule ever since disadvantage Unit 3 make up one's mind 3.3 make up one's mind graduate journey as usual determined change one's mind Unit 3 3.4 change one's mind

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