
Module 5 Unit 1 It's time to watch a cartoon. listening and speaking 2课件(共19张PPT,内嵌音频)2022-2023学年外研版

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:92次 大小:5488948Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera 1.What kind of music is it Beijing Opera. Enjoy a song Beijing Opera an actress actor traditional It’s difficult to understand the words. I offer to take you to Lao She Teahouse. A 提议 B 提供 C 出价 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Lao She (Shu Qingchun) 1899-1966 Birthplace:Beijing an excellent writer the People's artist He is especially famous for his play Teahouse. Why is it called Lao She Teahouse What can we do at the teahouse watch the Beijing Opera drink tea eat delicious Beijing food enjoy shows --What do you want to do at Lao She Teahouse? --I want to..... enjoy some plays I want to watch the Beijing Opera. hope hope plan plan offer offer watch the Beijing Opera eat delicious Beijing food A: What do you want/plan/hope/offer to do at Lao She Teahouse? B: I want/plan/hope/offer to..... enjoy some plays enjoy shows drink tea pair work 1. Listen and underline the correct words or expressions. 1. What did Betty want to do 2. What’s Lingling’s advice 3. What can they do at the Teahouse? Betty wanted to see the traditional Beijing Opera/ drink tea. Lingling offered to go to the theatre/Lao She Teahouse. They can watch the plays/listen to the Beijing Opera. Tip 1: Listen for key words 听取关键词 I’d like to see the traditional Bejing Opera. Do you want to come to Lao She Teahouse with me 重读 英语语句中的重读规则即对所强调的信息进行重读。 在含有动词不定式的语句中,动词和名词往往重读,介词、连词、助动词弱读。 2. Listen again and think. 1. Is it easy for Betty to understand the Beijing Opera How do you know 2. What’s Lingling’s advice ( ) No, it isn’t. Betty asked Lingling to tell her what’s happening. A Just watch the actors and actresses B. Listen to the music C. Try to enjoy it. A B C Tip2 :Listen for key information and pay attention to the stressed word. -Did Tony go to the teahouse with them -No,he didn't. 3. Listen and answer Tony’s questions Listen and choose ( )1. Why did Betty go to Lao She Teahouse A. She wanted to see Beijing Opera. B. She wanted to drink tea. C. It’s famous. ( )2. Did Betty understand the opera A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know. ( )3. How long did they stay there A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.( )4. What is Lao She A. An actor. B. A writer. C. The owner of Lao She Teahouse.( )5. What did Betty do in the teahouse A. They drank tea. B. They watched an opera. C. A and B. A B C B C Tip3:Before listening, read questions at first. 1. Betty thought Lao She Teahouse was _____. 2. Betty thought the Beijing opera was _____. 3. Betty thought it was _____to understand the words in the opera. Betty’s feeling great interesting difficult Listen and complete 6. Read and think 1. Why did they stay longer than they planned 2.Did Betty know about Lao She after she went to the teahouse How do you know Because the actors and actresses were excellent and the opera was i ... ...

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