
小学初中语法考点全掌握- 数词(含答案)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:26次 大小:93986Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学初中语法全掌握 - 数词 数词- 思维导图 一. 基数词 考点1: 认识并会拼写基数词 1 one 2 two 3 4 5 five 6 six 7 8 9 nine 10 ten 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 30 40 50 90 88 25 百 千 百万 十亿 考点2: 会正确读出下列基数词 678 5,678 15,678 145,678 2,145,678 34,746,937 304,079,073 8, 032, 325, 702 13, 932, 560, 004 二. 序数词 考点1: 都要翻译出“ ”, 英文结构前面都有“ ” 写出下列数字的序数词 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 30 40 100 21 22 写出下列序数词缩写 1 2 3 4 21 32 43 54 三. 数词的应用 考点1: 百分数 10% 考点2: 分数 观察特点: 1/3 one third 2/3 two thirds 1/5 4/5 1/2 a/one half 1/4 a/one quarter 考点3: 倍数 一倍 二倍 三倍 四倍以上 我的房间是你的房间的三倍大 My room is as large as yours. My room is larger than yours. My room is the size of yours. 考点4: 编号 观察特点: 第一课 Lesson One = the first lesson 第二单元 = 第三页 = 四. 数词的相关表达法 考点1:时间表达法 正着读 倒着读 替换 整点表达法 4点 ① < 30分钟 4:15 ① ② ③ = 30分钟 4:30 ① ② ③ > 30分钟 4:45 ① ② ③ 读出下列时间 1:58 8:50 7:20 9:30 6:45 3:15 4:18 12:00 考点2:日期表达法 观察特点: 1998年5月1日 写作 ① May 1st, 1998 读作: May the first, nineteen ninety-eight ② 1st May, 1998 读作: the first of May, nineteen ninety-eight 读出下列年份 1949 1800 1902 2022 今天的日期是? 考点3:年代表达法 观察特点: 在20世纪90年代 in the 1990s 在18世纪60年代 现在是什么年代? 考点4:年龄段表达法 观察特点: in his 20s 在他二十几岁的时候 在她三十几岁的时候 在我十几岁的时候 五. 数词特殊的用法 考点1: 不用the的情况 This is (1) bag. This is my (2) home. This is Peter’s (3) birthday. 考点2: 用a的情况 Who wants (1) one The cake is yummy, can I have (2) one. I have failed twice, but I want to have (3) try. 考点3:数词组合定语 一个五岁的女孩 The girl is . She is a girl. 一段15分钟长的路程 The walk is . It’s a walk. 考点4: 百/ 千/ 百万/ 十亿的常考考点 200名学生 two students 成百上千的学生 of students 三千小时 three hours 成千上万的小时 of hours billion 3 of stars million 4 of people 考点5:关于number A number of students (be) on the playground. The number of students (be) very large. number of teachers like taking students to the nature. number of teachers becomes larger. 六. 综合练习 A. 选出正确选项 (Hundreds; Hundreds of) students visit this National Museum at the Spring Festival. My elder brother is in (Grade Two, Class Three; Class Three, Grade Two). Everyone, please turn to (Page Three; the page three). Let's read the passage together. The Greens will come here (at fifth; at five) tomorrow morning. Mary was doing some washing (yesterday afternoon at nine; at nine yesterday afternoon). My aunt didn't work here (in her fifties; when she fifty). -What's the date today -It's (Sunday; June 6th). -How often do you have P.E. class -About (a week three times; three times a week). (Second three; Two thirds) of the students are boys in our grade. Now let me have (a third; the third) try. B. 正确形式填空 Do you know the _____ (five) boy in the picture March is the _____ (three) month of the year. I lived on _____ ( ... ...

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