
Unit4 What can you do? Part C课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:31次 大小:17813996Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教PEP五年级上册 Unit Four What can you do Part C Story time 0 Can you guess A riddle 谜语 It is small. It has big ears and a long tail. It can run. It can swim. It likes eating cheese.(奶酪) What is it rat One day, a little rat is picking up(采摘)flowers near a lake(湖泊). But suddenly(突然),here comes a hungry snake. I’m hungry. Mmm … Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. What is the tasty food delicious Guess(猜一猜): Will the rat be the snake's food 老鼠会成为蛇的食物吗? 0 Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. 0 What will the rat say 老鼠会说什么呢? 第一幕 0 S:I’m hungry. Mmm … Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. R:Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. What can the rat do The rat can _____. sing and dance 第二幕 S: Oh! What can you do Can you sing R: Yes, I can. S: Can you dance R: Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. 扔 Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please! Let's guess(猜一猜) Will the snake throw the rat into the lake 蛇会把老鼠扔进湖里吗? Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! 第三幕 S:Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim R:No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please! R:Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! Will the rat be the snake's food 老鼠会成为蛇的食物吗? No! 0 S: I’m hungry. Mmm … Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. R: Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. S: Oh! What can you do Can you sing R: Yes, I can. S: Can you dance R: Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. S: Let me see. There is a lake near here. Can you swim R: No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please! R: Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! Read it again 点击小喇叭或文本框都可以播放音频 Act out the story.(表演故事) Tips: 1.两人一小组表演故事。 2.模仿蛇和老鼠的语气和表情,加上动作哦! Let’s act(两人一组,表演对话) Tip: 试着模仿 snake和rat的语气。 S:I’m hungry. Mmm…Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat. R:Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you. S: Oh!What can you do Can you sing R: Yes, I can. Let’s act(两人一组,表演对话) S: Can you dance R: Yes, I can. Let me go. Then I can dance for you. S: Let me see.There is a lake near here. Can you swim R: No!Don't throw me into the lake,please! Tip: 试着模仿 snake和rat的语气。 R:Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye! Reorder the story. d. The snake is hungry. a. The snake catches(抓住) the rat. e. The rat can sing songs for the snake. c. The rat can dance for the snake. f. The snake throws the rat into the lake. b. The rat swims away. d a e c f b 给故事排序 What is the rat like Task3: Discuss and say The rat is very clever/ cute /cool/ lovely/ brave(勇敢的)/ calm(冷静的). Can you make a title for the story 你能为这个故事起个标题吗? Let's discuss If you are in danger(如果你陷入险境),what can you do 1. Draw or write an ending of the story. 为这个故事 ... ...

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