
专题05 完形填空(100道)2021-2022学仁爱科普版年八年级英语下学期期末复习重难题型专练(福建专用,原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:36次 大小:92442Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    专题05 完形填空(100道)-2021-2022学年八年级英语下学期期末复习重难题型专练(福建专用) 八年级下册期末复习重难题型完形填空专练一 从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Lily didn't have many friends. She was shy and 1 . She never wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to share 2 and laugh with. Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to 3 with someone she didn't know. She had no idea whether she could make friends in that new environment. But something happened during the first class. And it 4 Whitney's life. The teacher asked everyone to 5 a little about themselves. Whitney told everyone where she came from and some simple information. The last 6 for each student was "What is your goal for this term " 7 of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar. But Whitney said something 8 . She said that her goal was to make just one good friend. When most of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney. She reached out her hand and introduced herself. She asked 9 she could be Whitney's friend. Whitney was surprised and happy. She 10 and reached her hand out, too. Their friendship lasted all through the college. 1.A.careless B.quiet C.noisy 2.A.marks B.food C.secrets 3.A.fight B.live C.discuss 4.A.changed B.controlled C.destroyed 5.A.remember B.share C.write 6.A.game B.decision C.question 7.A.Most B.Few C.All 8.A.interesting B.different C.strange 9.A.how B.why C.whether 10.A.smiled B.laughed C.cried 八年级下册期末复习重难题型完形填空专练二 Jane was a lively girl. She worked as a_1____ . She was one of the most beautiful girl in her hospital. Many young men liked her__2____ wanted to marry(结婚 )her. People could_3_____ her sweet smiles. But one day everything changed. She____4__ a car accident and was disfigured( 毁容) she felt quite __5_____ and stayed at home all day. She didn't want to___6____ anyone. Her parents were afraid she would go __7_____ So one day they took her to "Blind( 盲的) Children’s Home". She played with the blind children that afternoon and for the first time after the accident her parents _8_____ her happy look. Just as they were leaving, a blind girl put her ___9__round Jane 's neck and said. "Your voice___10____ sweet and I know you must have a beautiful face. Jane cried all the way home in the car, but it was with happiness. Jane changed in the end. Smiles came back to her face again. 1.A. teacher B. nurse C. farmer 2.A. and B. but C. though 3.A. never B. seldom C. always 4.A. found B. had C. saw 5.A. sad B. sadly C. sadness 6.A. meet B. like C. advise 7.A. hungry B. mad C. lazy 8.A. knew B. believed C. saw 9.A. arms B. head C. face 10.A. hears B. listens C. sounds 八年级下册期末复习重难题型完形填空专练三 Nowadays school students seldom do sports. Is it because they have no __1____ in sports It may not be true. They often say they have much more important things to do. What are these important things Maybe they have to get them ... ...

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