
2014年八年级英语(深圳牛津版) 多媒体暑假作业十一(含答案)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:84次 大小:2669971Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    八年级英语(深圳牛津版) 多媒体暑假作业十一 听短文判断正误。(短文读二遍) 5*3=15 ( T)1. It is not easy for many wild animals to live in the world. ( T ) 2. The farmer s cut down trees and forests and the wild animals have nowhere to live. ( F ) 3. The bigges t enemies of the wild animals are not human beings. (F ) 4. Many wild animals kill other wild animals and eat them. ( T ) 5. Loving and protecting wild animals is loving and protecting ourselves. 听力文件:oxford811-1.mp3 二.英汉配对5*3=15 1.获得成功 A. go on 2. 毕竟 B. make it 3. 路过 C. make fun of 4. 继续做某事 D. after all 5. 取笑 E. pass by 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. C 三 解释句子 10*3=30 1.The book is so expensive that I can’t buy it. The book is too expensive for me to buy . 2.It seems that she is unhappy. She seems to be unhappy. 3. Please giv e me another ten minutes. Please give me ten more minutes. 4..I didn’t go to the cinema yesterday because of the heavy rain. I stayed at home yesterday because it rained heavily. 5. To learn maths well is not easy for her. It is not easy for her to learn maths well. 四.阅读理解 4*5=20 St. Valentine’s Day is a day for lovers. It is one of the oldest holidays. It is also one of the loveliest in the US and some other countries. Americans think that day is a day for telling someone that you love him or her . St. Valentine’s D ay is on Feb. 14. Very few people American know the story of the holiday, but no people would forget to buy nice gifts for the wives, husbands, parents, children, relatives and best friends. People often send valentine letters or cards for them,too. They also draw some symbols on the letters or cards, like hearts, Cupid with his bow and arrow, love birds and so on. Sometimes they buy the cards with the symbols. On that day they also have many kinds of cakes. (B )1 is St. Valentine’s Day. A. Jan. 14 B. Feb. 14 C. April 14 D. June 20 (B )2. What food do they have on that day A. Vegetables B. Cakes C. Meat D. Bread (C )3. Who is St. Valentine’s Day for A. Parents B. Daughters C. Lovers D. Son (D )4. On St. Val entine’s Day people draw a lot of symbols on the cards or letters, which one is not mentioned A. Hearts B. Cupid with his bow and arrow C. Love birds D. Flowers 五.脑筋急转弯4*5=20 1 . Why is the library the highest building (为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物 ) It has the most stories. (story 故事,楼层) 2.What is pro nounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals . It is eye. 3.What canno t be seen but only heard, and will not speak unless spoken to It is. an echo.(回声) 4..What person does every man take his hat off to It is a barber/hairdresser. 六.开心一笑 HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com" INCLUDEPICTURE "http://t2./it/u=91522897,378614589&fm=0&gp=0.jpg" \* MERGEFORMAT Columbus’ Telephone Number Little Mary: I find in my history book there is always such number (1451-1560) after the name Chri stopher Columbus. Would you please explain why, sir Little Rose: I can tell ... ...

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