
中职旅游服务类西餐烹饪专业《西餐专业英语》Unit 3 Tableware 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目: 类型:课件 查看:60次 大小:2358778Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Tableware 目 录 CONTENTS Reading for Fun Start off Have a Try Summary Situational Dialogues Start off Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 1 Do you know the name of the following tablewares Please write down in the blanks. fork 餐叉 chopsticks 筷子 spoon 勺 knife 餐刀 Do you know the name of the following tablewares Please write down in the blanks. bowl 碗 plate 盘子 napkin 餐巾 goblet 高脚杯 Activity 2 Do you know how to set western tableware look at the following picture. 1 Napkin 9 Soup Spoon 2 Fsh Fork 10 Bread& Butter Plate 3 Dinner or Main Course Fork 11 Butter Knife 4 Salad Fork 12 Dessert Spoon and Cake Fork 5 Soup Bowl&Plate 13 Sterling Water Globet 6 Dinner Plate 14 Red Wine Goblet 7 Dinner Knife 15 White Wine Goblet 8 Fish Knife Formal table setting Do you know how to set western tableware look at the following picture. Informal table setting Seating Arrangement (6 persons) HOST NO.1 LADY NO.2 MAN NO.2 LADY HOSTESS NO.1 MAN Note: ◇Spouses are not seated together, numbers denote order of importance. 夫妻一般不坐在一起,数字代表重要程度排名。 ◇Left-handed - it's best for the left-handed person to sit at left end of the table or at the head of the table. This arrangement helps ensure that everyone has adequate elbow room to eat comfortably. 如果客人中有惯有左手的人,他的座位最好安排在桌子左边的尾端,这能确保每位客人有充分的空间,可舒适进餐。 ◇Wait for others to start eating - Many homes will pray first. 等候客人就坐好,见主人“起筷”,方开始进餐,有些家庭会先祈祷。 ◇Food is passed to the right - When it's passed to you please say, “Thank You.” 食物是从左向右传递,接过盘子是谨记道谢。 Activity 3 Do you know how to use the western tableware Napkin ◇Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap. 打开餐巾,对叠,放在大腿上。 ◇ Use the napkin to gently wipe your mouth. Don’t blow your nose into your napkin. 餐巾只用作擦嘴。不可用来擦鼻子。 ◇After completion, place the soiled napkin at the left of your place setting. 用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在摆设的左手边。 Utensils ◇Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left. 左手持叉,右手持刀。 ◇Use index finger to hold the back of a knife. 用食指抵住刀背。 ◇Resting—separate the knife and fork on the plate, blades facing in/prongs down. 暂停进食—把刀和叉分开放在盘子上, 刀锋向内, 叉尖向下。 Activity 3 Do you know how to use the weatern tableware ◇Done—place the knife and fork paralleled on the plate – blades facing in/prongs up. 用餐完毕—把刀和叉平行放在盘子上, 刀锋向内, 叉尖向上。 ◇If a piece of your silverware falls onto the floor, pick it up if you can reach it and let the server know you need a clean one. If you cannot reach it, tell the server you dropped a piece of your silverware and ask for a clean one. 如果刀叉掉到地上,而你又能够到的话,请捡起它并告知服务员取个新餐具。如果够不到,你应请服务员代劳。 Buttering bun ◇Break the bun into small bite-sized pieces and butter ... ...

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