
-2023届高三英语二轮复习读后续写练习课件 发动社区的邻居加入到改造社区的活动中来(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:61次 大小:1785643Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语读后续写语篇练习发动社区的邻居加入到改造社区的活动中来题目分析读后续写题目再现范文呈现努力方向Part 1题目呈现续写原文Maggie and Alex live in a tall building in a neighborhood in the center of the city. There are no trees near their building, but they are happy in their home and it is close to their jobs.In the part of the city where they live, there is not much fresh food to buy. The stores only have processed foods in packages. Maggie and Alex and all the other people in the building have to eat food that they buy in boxes and plastic containers.This makes so much garbage that no one knows where to put it. While they wait for Fridays, when the city collects the garbage, all the neighbors put their trash into bags and sometimes leave it in the hallway or on the big, sunny roof. The whole building looks terrible. No one can spend time playing on the roof because it is full of trash.续写原文One day, Maggie and Alex decide to make a change. They go up to the roof and separate all the recycla-ble garbage, like cardboard, plastic bottles, glass, and aluminum cans. Then they take all of the garbage down to the street for the garbage collectors.But they do not carry down the plastic bottles! They cut off the tops and use them as pots to plant tomatoes and carrots. They plant herbs, too.段首句Para 1:Maggie and Alex tell their neighbors about their project.              Para 2:Now the roof looks beautiful like a garden.Part 2题目分析续写原文分析本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Maggie和Alex对所居住社区所作出的绿色改变,并且让整个社区都从中受益。点1:位于续写第一段段首,流畅衔接前面的记叙文和第一段段首语;点2:位于续写第一段段尾,流畅衔接第二段段首句;点3:位于续写第二段段首,续写衔接第二段段首语;点4:文章结尾升华,给予读者正能量,揭示和强调主题。情节构建的重点续写思路分析Para 1:Maggie and Alex tell their neighbors about their project.由第一段首句内容“麦琪和亚历克斯把他们的计划告诉了邻居。”可知,第一段可描写邻居知道他们的计划后,很高兴,并且参与到他们的计划中去。续写思路分析Para 2:Now the roof looks beautiful like a garden.由第二段首句内容“现在屋顶看起来像花园一样漂亮。”可知,第二段可描写Maggie和Alex以及他们的邻居享受这个被改变的环境,以及注意去保护环境。续写思路分析续写线索发现环境很差———决定改变———邻居参与———享受新环境续写素材可用词汇:行为类①变得:get/become②照顾:take care of/look after/keep an eye on③花费:spend/take/expend④买:buy/purchase情绪类①兴奋的:excited/thrilled②漂亮的:beautiful/pretty/nice续写素材可用句型:[高分句型1]Whenever they have free time after work or on the weekends, all the neighbors go up to the roof.(Whenever引导时间状语从句)[高分句型2]In fact, they even save money because they do not have to buy so much packaged food.(because引导的原因状语从句)Part 3范文呈现范文呈现Maggie and Alex tell their neighbors about their project. Their neighbors get very excited. Whenever they have free time after work or on the weekends, all the nei ... ...

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