
牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 5 第1课时 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit(共38张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:32108322Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Comic strip & Welcome to the unit. Unit 5 Amazing things! Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. learn about some unusual things; 2. talk about amazing things with new sentence patterns. Teaching focuses and difficulties To recognize and use adjectives that describe feelings of likes and dislikes. 2. To know something amazing and talk about the amazing things Teaching methods Communicative Teaching Method; Situational Teaching Method; Cooperative Teaching Method Part one Comic strip Lead in Hello! Do you still remember the two dogs, Eddie and Hobo Do you want to know what happened to them today Let’s watch the video and answer the questions. Questions What are Eddie and Hobo doing What did Eddie think it is What did Hobo think it is Did Eddie think it is a plane Why not Do you think Eddie is a clever dog Presentation Presentation Questions What are Eddie and Hobo doing What did Eddie think it is What did Hobo think it is Did Eddie think it is a plane Why not Do you think Eddie is a clever dog They are looking at something in the sky. He thinks it is a UFO. Hobo thinks it is just a plane. No, he didn’t. Because he thinks it is too small. No. / Yes. Presentation Listen and fill in the blanks. Eddie: Hey, Hobo. _____ it. Hobo: _____ Eddie: It’s _____ UFO, Hobo. Hobo: Come on, Eddie. It’s just a _____. I _____ one yesterday. Eddie: No. It’s a UFO. Look at its _____. Hobo: They’re only the lights _____ the plane. Eddie: It’s no a plane. Look, it’s too _____. Presentation Look at What is it a plane saw bright lights on small Presentation Read and role play the dialogue. Presentation Do you want to see a UFO Why If one day a UFO takes you to visit other planets, that will be an AMAZING things! Part two Welcome to the unit A UFO is an amazing thing! Actually, the world is full of amazing things. Let’s share some of them. Lead in The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. It is an amazing thing, we can also say it is a fun fact. Which one is larger, the Sun or the Earth Lead in Let’s see some other fun facts. We sleep with our eyes closed. Fish sleep with their eyes open. How do we human sleep How do fish sleep in water Lead in Let’s see some other fun facts. We have the same number of bones. A giraffe has only seven bones in its long neck. How many bones are there in giraffe’s long neck How many bones are in our short neck Can you guess Lead in Let’s see some other fun facts. There are no bones in the back of elephants’ feet— only fat. How many bones are there in the back of elephants’ feet Lead in Let’s see some other fun facts. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Whose eyes are bigger, the lovely baby or the handsome boy Presentation Match the sentences with the pictures. Try to fill in the blanks. There are many amazing things in the world. Humans(人类) sleep ... ...

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