
【山东省专用】 2022-2023学年人教版九年级下册英语期末冲刺—阅读完型组合强化练习3(含解析)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:35843Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【山东省专用】 2022-2023学年人教版九年级下册英语期末冲刺—阅读完型组合强化练习 一、完形填空 When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and wishes to know more about it. Whether it is good or bad on what people are curious about. Curiosity is not always silly or wrong. Some persons with to do are full of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing. They are anxious to know what they are eating or drinking, whether they are home or outside, or why they have come home so early or late. To be interested in these things is because they don't make any sense to us. It is none of their to know what their neighbors are doing. Such curiosity is something not only foolish but also . For most probably, it leads to a small talk which often brings shame or disrespect to others, and so their feelings. On the other hand, there is a noble curiosity— the curiosity of wise men, who at all the great things and try to do what they to find out the answers to them. Columbus could never have found America if he had not been . All the discoveries in human history have been made as a result of curiosity. But the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have little or nothing to do with the happiness of the public. (1) A.keeps B.decides C.carries D.depends (2) A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything (3) A.taking B.bringing C.going D.thinking (4) A.silly B.necessary C.possible D.funny (5) A.work B.responsibility C.duty D.business (6) A.instructive B.useful C.harmful D.frightening (7) A.hurts B.protects C.shows D.expresses (8) A.expect B.like C.wonder D.laugh (9) A.would B.should C.must D.can (10) A.famous B.careful C.curious D.hard My father and I always had a bit of trouble in our relationship. It's not that we didn't love each other. It's just that we used to have opinions. My dad is one of the most hard-working men I know, but I was a . I played sports when I was a kid, but gave when I was making progress. Then I showed an in music. My father got excited and me a guitar when I was about eight. But I really didn't like it until I was a teenager. During those ten years, I got up my guitar and playing along. Then I went to college. My father thought I should pay more attention to my , while I thought I should have more fun playing music. I dreamed to be a musician. When I grew into a young man, I suddenly fell ill one day and it was discovered that I had a terrible kidney disease (肾病). I had to accept treatments all my life, get a transplant (移植). I felt like there was a heavy on my shoulders. Life became hard for me. But I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who me and took care of me. While trying to just what to do with my life, my father got tested to see he was the right man to give me his kidney. I tried to refuse, he'd hear of it. He saved my life at last. Two years ago, I made up a band. He had always wanted to play in a band, but got the chance when he was young. ... ...

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