
Unit2 Spring is warm. 第三课时教案

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:74次 大小:2777522Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 课题 Unit2 Spring is warm-lesson3(D&F) 主备人 授课人 教学目标、重难点、教具准备:一、教学目标语言能力(Language competence):1. 通过连词成句题巩固上节课所学重要句型;2. 学生熟练掌握br辅音组合的发音,能够拼读含有br组合的单词;3. 学生能理解、掌握Part D文本,能运用文本中的重要句型。文化意识(Cultural awareness):通过不同季节的活动展示让学生热爱生活,积极参与有益身心的活动。思维品质(Thinking quality):1. 通过对不同季节不同活动的描述与拓展培养学生的发散性思维。学习能力(Learning ability):1. 对句型题中的“补充单词连词成句”题型有初步了解,为本学期技能学习提供引导。2. 通过Listen and circle, Read and underline等多项活动培养学生提取关键信息的能力,掌握学习文本的策略与方法。二、教学重点及难点重点:字母br及在单词中的发音; partD部分文本; 单元知识系统归纳难点:对PartD关键信息的提取与整合,通过整合的信息进行文本复述教具准备:PPT、字母卡片、教学句型卡片 教学过程:Step 1 Preparation (5min)1. GreetingsT: Hi, boys and girls! Ss: Hi, Miss Wu. T: I feel warm today. Spring is coming!Ss: Yes! 2. Making Sentences(PPT 3-7)T: Last lesson, we learned some sentences in partD, now let’s have a small test. Pleas choose a word to complete the sentence.S1: I’m from Hengyang.S2: Winter is not cold in Sanya.S3: How is the weather S4: Beijing is cool in autumn.S5: What’s the weather like 设计意图:通过拼图形式的连词成句活动复习本单元重点句型,并通过最后一个拼图组合成单词brown,引出br发音学习。Step 2 Presentation (20min)1. Learn the phonics rule “br”( PPT8)T: Good job! Now please complete the word according to the picture on the right.S6: brown. T: So we need letter ...Ss: b, rT: That’s right. Look! We put the letter “b” and letter “r” together, so how can we read them S7: /br/T: Let’s read the word. br - ow - n, brown.Ss: br - ow - n, brown.2. Let’s read(Show PPT9-10)T: Can you read more words with “br” Ss: Let me try!S8: br-ea-d, breadS9: br-oke, brokeS10: br-ing, bringS11: br-an-ch, branchS12: br-igh-t, bright.Let’s chant( PPT11)T: Excellent! Look, it’s a bright day, let’s see what does the brown bird do on the bright day Free talk(PPT12)T: Well, the brown bird sing on the bright day, how about you Ask some students to say:What do you do on the bright day What do you do on rainy or snowy days What do you do in each season 设计意图:通过Free talk的问题承上启下,衔接PartD内容的学习。Listen and circle(PPT13)T: Wonderful sharing! Boys and girls, look at the pictures, who are they Ss: Tim and Dino!T: Yes, our old friend. They have some activities in the four seasons. At first, let’s listen and circle the weather. (Ask four students answer)Read and underline(PPT14)T: Now we know the weather in Tim and Dino’s city, what do they do in each season Please read the text carefully and underline their activities.(Ask four students answer)T: Oh, in spring they are in the garden, so what do they do in the garden Have a guess.S13: Play games.S14: ...Look and match(PPT15)T: A small test for you! Please match the pictures with the words or phrases.S ... ...

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