
Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Let's talk课件(共38张PPT)

日期:2024-07-08 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:25次 大小:32097280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 My favourite season B.Let’s try & Let’s talk Sharpe eyes: winter summer spring autumn cold good beautiful green hot snowy swim white snow Which season do you like best I like spring best. Because there are pretty flowers. 中小学精品资源库www.zhongxiaoxueziyuan.com 绿色圃中学资源网http://cz.Lspjy.com 中小学精品资源库www.zhongxiaoxueziyuan.com 绿色圃中学资源网http://cz.Lspjy.com Which season do you like best I like summer best. I often go swimming in the pool. Which season do you like best I like autumn best. I often go on picnic with my family. Which season do you like best 中小学精品资源库www.zhongxiaoxueziyuan.com 绿色圃中学资源网http://cz.Lspjy.com 中小学精品资源库www.zhongxiaoxueziyuan.com 绿色圃中学资源网http://cz.Lspjy.com I like winter best. I often Play snow with my friends. Look at these pictures. What season is it Can you guess which picture is Zhang Peng’s Zhang Peng: Look at my picture, John. John: It’s pretty. So you like spring best Zhang Peng: Yes. Spring is beautiful. There are lots of flowers. The trees are green. nice, beautiful, cool, wonderful = a lot of = many Zhang Peng likes spring best. Why does he like spring best Because spring is _____. There are _____. The _____ are _____. He can _____ in spring. beautiful lots of flowers trees green fly kites He can wear _____ in spring. his sweater Which season do you like best I like summer best. Why do you like summer best Because it’s _____. I can wear my _____. I can _____. I can eat _____. sunny and hot T-shirt and shorts go swimming ice cream Which season do you like best I like autumn best. Why do you like autumn best Because it’s _____. I can wear my _____. I can _____. I can eat _____. sunny and cool shirt and pants go hiking and climb mountains fruits The colours are _____. beautiful / pretty Which season do you like best I like winter best. Why do you like winter best Because it’s _____. I can wear my _____. I can _____. snowy and cold coat and jeans make a snowman It’s _____ everywhere. white Which season does Amy like best Which season does Amy like best She likes autumn best. What can you see in the picture I can see trees. What colour are the trees They are colourful. What season is it It’s autumn. 1. Whose favourite season is autumn 2. Which season does Miss White like best 1. Whose favourite season is autumn 2. Which season does Miss White like best Amy’s favourite season is autumn. Miss White likes summer best. 请自己阅读Let’s talk,回答问题。 3. Why does Amy like autumn best 4. Why does Miss White like summer best Because the weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Because she likes summer vacation. 暑假 △ = Well done. / Wonderful. good = fine = Why do you like summer best 暑假 = summer holiday 寒假 = winter vacation / holiday = I like summer best. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ Amy: Miss White: Amy: Miss White: Amy: Miss White: A B C D E F G Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Good job! I li ... ...

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