
【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年 牛津上海版(三起) 英语三升四专题复习--01 选词填空(含答案)

日期:2024-07-09 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:65次 大小:681132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年 牛津上海版(三起) 英语三升四专题复习--01 选词填空(含答案) 一、看图,根据图片和句意提示,选词填空,每空一词。 body arms legs feet head 二、根据图片选词填空。 lovely farm litter horses five 1.This is my . 2.I have sheep, two cows and three . 3.They are . Welcome to my farm. 4.Don’t on my farm. 三、选词填空 Do don’t doesn’t is are 1.— you like ducks —Yes, I do. 2.This is my cat. It cute. 3.The elephants in the zoo. 4.My father like snakes. 5.I like dogs. 四、选词填空 A.winter B.too C.about D.swimming E.like (1)I skating. (2)It's cold in . (3)I like in summer. (4)I like reading . (5)What you 五、选词填空。 cute see What Pandas (1) — animals do you like —I like dogs. (2) There are many animals the zoo. (3) Let’s the animals. (4) Elephants are very . (5) live (生活) only in China. 六、选词填空,完成句子。 can’t colour and Let’s is (1) What is your ball (2) I find my ball. (3) It’s red white. (4) mix blue and yellow. (5) What colour it now 七、读一读,选词填空。 A.blue B.mix C.red D.autumn E. find (1) In spring, the trees are green. In , the trees are red, yellow and brown. (2) In the morning, the sky is grey. In the afternoon, the sky is . (3) We yellow and blue. Now, it’s green. (4) These apples are green. Those apples are . (5) —I can’t my ruler. —Is this your ruler —Yes, it is. Thank you. 八、选词填空,完成句子。 How it and is (1) It is yellow long. (2) What it (3) is it (4) What is 九、选词填空。 make strong can’t wolf idea 1. He has a good . 2. You come in, big bad wolf. 3. My house is very . 4.I’m afraid of the . 5. You can your houses. 十、读一读,选词填空。 A.tea B.flower C.card D.smile E. beautiful (1) Mother’s Day is coming. I can give a red to her. (2) My mother is . (3) I love my mother. I love her . (4) I can make a for my mum. (5) Have a cup of , Mum. 十一、选词填空。 cool What toy don’t in 1. — do you like —I like robots. 2. I like this robot. It’s . 3. I like this bear. It’s lovely. 4.The girl is the park. 5. —Do you like balls —No, I . 十二、选词填空。 have some What for about 1. I some noodles. 2. I like noodles, what you 3. We have bread. 4.— do you have —I have some bananas. 5.What do you have breakfast 十三、看图,选择合适的单词完成句子。 long red round sweet sour (1)It is and round. It is . (2)It is orange and . It is sweet and . (3)It is yellow and . It is sweet. (4)It is yellow. It is . 参考答案: 一、【小题1】 【小题2】 【小题3】 【小题4】 【小题5】 【详解】1.句意:它的胳膊是长的。箭头所指是胳膊,arms胳膊。故答案为。 2.句意:它的身体是大的。箭头所指是身体,body身体。故答案为。 3.句意:它的脚是小的。箭头所指是脚,feet脚。故答案为。 4.句意:它的头是大的。箭头所指是头,head头。故答案为。 5.句意:它的腿是短的。箭头所指是腿,legs腿。故答案为。 二、1.farm 2.five horses 3.lovely 4.litter 【解析】1.句意:这是我的_____。farm农场,符合句意,故答案为farm。 2.句意:我有_____绵羊,两头奶牛和三匹_____。根据图片可 ... ...

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