
Unit 2 Spring is warm第一课时课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-07-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:27955338Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Spring is warm Period 1 --What's the weather like today --It's warm,/cool,/hot,/cold... Where do you want to go Changsha. I'm from What's the weather like spring Do you like spring in Changsha I like spring in Changsha. Spring is warm. Where do you want to go summer Summer is hot. It's hot in Sanya. What's the weather like in summer/or in Sanya Do you like summer Yes, I like summer. No, I don't like summer. Where do you want to go autumn Autumn is... Beijing is ... in ... I like... winter cold snow Can you say something about winter sweater Winter is... Changsha is ... in ... I like... I don't like... Did you see snow in Changsha last year Why Where do you want to go Kunming is ... in ... I like... Which place do you like best Changsha Beijing Sanya Kunming Listen and read P5. Draw a picture of four seasons. Homework

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